İnşaat Mühendisliği programı, gelişmekte olan bir toplumun zorluklarını karşılayabilmeyi; kişisel, mesleki ve sosyal sorumluluğu; teknik açıdan mükemmellik, yaratıcılık ve etkili iletişimi; takım çalışması ve liderliğini teşvik eden yüksek performanslı mühendislik eğitimi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Program, inşaat mühendisliğinin temellerini ve uygulama alanlarını öğretip, öğrenilen bilgilerin hem bireysel hem de takım çalışmalarıyla problem çözümü ve projelerde uygulanmasına teşvik etmektedir.
İnşaat mühendisliği mezunlarının, mezuniyet sonrası yaklaşık 4 yıllık bir süre içinde aşağıdaki program eğitim amaçlarına ulaşmaları beklenmektedir.
1- Yüksek düzeyde bireysel, mesleki ve sosyal sorumluluk sergilemek:
- Halkın güvenliği, sağlığı ve refahı dikkate alınarak görevlerini yerine getirmek ve mesleğin onurunu ve bütünlüğünü sürdürmek,
- Projelerin ekonomik, hukuki , politik, çevresel , sosyal ve kültürel etkilerini göz önünde bulundurup, etik sorunlarla karşı karşıya kalındığında yerinde ve yasal kararlar vermek,
- meslek birliklerine katkıda bulunmak.
2- Geleneksel ve yaratıcı yollarla teknik ve teknik olmayan becerileri uygulamak:
- Problemlerin tespit edilmesi için matematik, fen ve mühendislik ilkelerini uygulamak,
- Karmaşık problemlere yaratıcı çözümler bulmak.
3- Güçlü iletişim, takım çalışması ve liderlik becerileri sergilemek:
- Uzmanlar ve kamuoyu ile etkili iletişim kurmak,
- Sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve profesyonel takımlarda etkin görev almak,
- Meslekte ve topluluklarda aktif katılım yoluyla liderlik yapmak.
1 Matematik , Fen ve Mühendislik dallarındaki öğrenimlerini kullanabilme yeteneklerinin olması gerekmektedir.
2 Deneylerin modelini tasarlayabilmeleri ve gerçekleştirebilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra da deney sonuçlarında çıkan cevapların analizini yapıp, verileri yorumlayabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
3 Profesyönel sorumluluk sergileyerek , etik kurallarına uygun bir şekilde farklı kültürlerden oluşan bir takım içerisinde çalışabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
4 Bir sistemin tasarımında ve bir problemin çözümünde sistem çözümleme düşüncelerini kullanabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
5 Ömür boyu öğrenmeye devam ederek, çağdaş sorunlar hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaları gerekmektedir.
6 Öğrenilen tekniklerle, kazanılan beceriklikleri ve modern mühendislik araçlarını pratik olarak kullanabilmeleri gerekmektedir
7 Hem yazılı, hem de sözlü olarak bulunan bulguları ve fikirlerini belli edebilmeleri gerekir.
8 Gerçek hayatda yaşanan zorluklar karşısında sistemleri tasarlama ve bütünleme yeteneklerini kullanabilmeleri gerekmektedir
9 İyi bir şekilde, etik kurallarına uygun olarak profesyönellik çerçevesinde Mühendislik problerine etkin bir çözüm bulabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
10 Binaların, yolların, önemli yapıların ve altyapı tesislerinin planlanma, tasarlanma, ve yapımındaki ilkeleri kullanabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
11 İnşaat Mühendisliği dalındaki problemleri uygun tekniği bulup, kullanarak çözümleyebilmeleri gerekmektedir.
Module Code | Module Name | Civil Engineering Program Learning Outcomes | ||||||||||
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
MT111 | Calculus I | H | L | L | H | L | M | H | L | M |
ENG103 | Computer Aided Design | L |
| L | H |
| M | L | M |
PS111 | General Physics I | H | M | L | H | M | M | H | L | M |
CH101 | General Chemistry | H | H | L | M | H | M | M | M | M |
ENG101 | Introduction to Computers | M | L | L | L |
| M | L | L | L |
ENGL001 | English I |
| M |
| M |
| H |
MT112 | Calculus II | H | M | L | H |
| H | H | L | M |
PS112 | General Physics II | H | M | L | H | M | M | H | L | M |
ENG102 | Computer Programming I | M | H | L | M | L | M | L | L | M |
MT104 | Linear Algebra | H | M | M | M | M | H | M | L | M |
ENG106 | Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering | M | L | L | H | L | M | M | M | L |
ENGL002 | English II |
| M |
| M |
| H |
MT211 | Calculus III | H | M | L | H |
| H | H | L | M |
MT207 | Probability Theory | H | M | L | H | M | M | H | L | M |
ENG201 | Fund. of Electrical Engineering | H | H | L | H |
| M | H | L | M |
ENG203 | Computer Programming II | M | H | L | M |
| M | L | H | M |
CVEN201 | Statics | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H | H | M | M |
CVEN205 | Technical Drawing | L | L | M | M | L | L | M | M | L | L | L |
MT212 | Engineering Mathematics | H | M | L | H | M | M | H | L | M |
MT206 | Differential Equations | H |
| L | M |
| L |
CVEN204 | Surveying | M | M | H | M | L | M | H | M | M | M | H |
ENG204 | Intro. to Modelling and Optimisation | H | H | M | H | L | H | M | H | M |
CVEN202 | Strength of Materials | H | H | M | H | M | H | H | H | H | M | M |
CVEN250 | Summer Practice I |
| H |
| L |
CVEN301 | Dynamics | H | H | M | H | M | M | M | H | H | M | M |
CVEN305 | Transportation Engineering | L | M | M | M | L | L | L | M | M | M | L |
CVEN307 | Soil Mechanics | L | M | M | M | L | M | M | L | M | M | M |
CVEN309 | Fluid Mechanics | H | M | M | M | L | L | M | M | M | M | M |
CVEN303 | Structural Analysis I | H | H | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN311 | Design of Steel Structures I | H | H | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H |
TURK001 | Turkish I |
| L |
| H |
CVEN306 | Reinforced Concrete Structures I | H | H | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN312 | Design of Steel Structures II | H | H | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN304 | Structural Analysis II | H | H | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN308 | Construction Materials | L | M | M | L | L | L | M | L | L | M | M |
ENG304 | Engineering Economy | H | L | L | L | M | H | M | L | H |
MT308 | Numerical Analysis | H | M | L | H | H | M | H | M | H |
TURK002 | Turkish II |
| L |
| H |
CVEN350 | Summer Practice II |
| H |
| L |
CVEN401 | Earthquake Engineering | H | H | M | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN403 | Computer Application in Civil Engineering | H | M | M | H | H | H | M | H | H | H | H |
CVEN407 | Reinforced Concrete Structures II | H | H | M | H | M | L | H | H | H | M | H |
CVEN409 | Construction Engineering and Management | M | M | H | L | H | M | H | M | M | M | M |
NH001 | National History I |
| M |
CVEN490 | Special Project | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H |
CVEN410 | Hydrology | M | H | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L |
NH002 | National History II |
| M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 1 – CVEN415 | L | H | M | L | L | M | H | L | L | M | L |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 2 – CVEN420 | L | M | M | L | L | M | L | M | M | M | M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 3 – CVEN425 | H | M | L | M | L | M | M | M | M | M | M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 4 – CVEN430 | M | M | M | M | L | M | M | H | H | H | H |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 5 – CVEN435 | M | M | M | M | L | M | M | H | M | H | H |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 6 – CVEN440 | H | H | M | M | M | M | H | H | M | H | H |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 7 – CVEN445 | H | M | M | M | L | M | M | M | M | M | M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 8 – CVEN460 | M | H | M | M | L | M | M | M | M | M | M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 9 – CVEN470 | M | M | M | M | L | M | L | M | M | M | M |
TELXXX | Departmental Elective 10 – CVEN480 | M | M | H | M | M | H | H | H | M | H | L |
ELXXX | Elective 1 |
| L |
| M |
ELXXX | Elective 2 |
| L |
| M |
L: Low, M: Medium, H: High Note: 1-2: L, 3: M, 4-5: H
Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği, ilk mertebe diploması (240 AKTS).
İnşaat Mühendisliği programının başarı ile tamamlanıp gereken yeterliliklerin kazanılması durumunda öğrenci İnşaat Mühendisliği dalında lisans derecesi sahibi olur.
İnşaat Mühendisliği programı öğrencilerini inşaat sektörü dışında yönetim, su ve enerji, ve diğer çok yönlü mühendislik dallarını kapsayan sektörlerde de çalışmaya hazırlamaktadır. İnşaat Mühendisliğinin farklı dalları ve uygulama alanları, mezunlara çok sayıda iş fırsatı sunmaktadır. Yapı mühendisi olarak üst yapı, alt yapı, köprü ve yol tasarlamaktan, şantiye mühendisi olarak projelerin yürütülmesini denetlemeye kadar, mezunlarımız danışman mühendis, müteahhit ve jeoteknik mühendis olarak da çalışabilmektedirler.
İnşaat Mühendisliği mezunları kamu sektöründe de iş bulup proje şartnamelerinin oluşturulması, ihale evraklarının hazırlanması ve projelerin kontrolü gibi görevleri de üstlenebilmektedirler. Mezunlarımız eğitimlerini devam ettirdikleri takdirde araştırma merkezleri ve akademik çevrede de görev alabilmektedirler.
Aşağıda belirtilen eğitimsel hedefler öğrencilerin programlarını tamamladıktan sonra, mezuniyet sonrası elde ettikleri kariyer ve profesyonel başarılarını belirtmektedir. Mezun olan öğrencilerin ;
1. Elde edilen mühendislik bilgilerini, mühendislik alanındaki kariyerlerinde ve/veya akademik kariyerlerinde uygulayarak,problemleri tesbit edip kritik değerlendirme becerilerini kullanarak çözebilmeleri gerekmektedir.
2. Uluslararası ortamda ve çoklu kültürlerin var olduğu ortamda profesyonel liderlik konularında kendilerini ıspatlamaları gerekmektedir.
3. Mühendisliğin temel ilkelerini mühendislik sistemlerinin planlamasında, tasarlamasında ve uygulamasında kullanabilmeleri gerekmektedir.
4. Gelişmekte olan teknik zorluklar üzerinde kişisel gelişimi sağlayabilmeleri ve gelişen teknikler üzerine haberdar kalmaları gerekmektedir
Mühendislik Fakültesi, mühendislik eğitim ve öğretiminde kullanılan geleneksel metodların yanı sıra modern kavramların ve tekniklerin kullanılmasının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Mühendislik fakültesinde derse katılım mezuniyet projeleri dışında tüm kurslar için zorunludur. Verilen kursa ve eğitmene bağlı olarak çeşitli eğitim methodları kullanılmaktadır. Bu methodlar içerisinde bilgisayar destekli pratik uygulamalar da öğretilen teorinin daha iyi anlaşılması ve pratik becerinin geliştirilmesi için gösterilmektedir. Farklı öğretim tekniklerinin uygulanması da ayrıca öğrencilerin derse ilgili kalmalarını beraberinde getirmektedir. Her konu üzerinde temel teory bilgisinin veriebilmesi için geleneksel sınıf çalışmalarının yapılması farzdır. Bu nedenden dolayı da tüm derslerde en az yüzde 75 oranında bir katılım beklenmektedir.
Bilim ağırlıklı derslerin problem çözme kısımları, teory kısımlarıyla bütünleşmektedir. Laboratuar uygulamaları birçok şekilde yapılabilir. Öğrenciler bir eğitmenin veya öğretim görevlisinin gözetimi altında deneylerini gerçekleştirebilirler.Bilgisayarlar üzerinde olan uygulamalar ise çoğunlukla bilgisayar programlama derslerinde kullanılmaktadır.Benzetimler öğrencilerin fiziksel farkındalıklarından önce tasarlama kabiliyetlerini ölçmek için kullanılır. Üçüncü ve dördüncü yıllarda verilen derslerde bilgisayar uygulamalı deneyler yapılmaktadır . Öğrenciler bu uygulamalarda kendi tasarımlarını yapıp fiziksel cihazlar üzerinde çıkan sonuçları kendileri gözlemlemektedir. Son sınıf öğrencilerine verilen mezuniyet projeleri, öğrencilerin herhangi bir spesifik problemin çözümü için öğrendikleri teknik bilgileri, araç ve gereçleri kullanmalarını teşvik ettiği için yararlı bir önem taşımaktadır.
Mezuniyet projelerini tamamlayan öğrencilerin, dönem sonunda bir rapor hazırlayıp, sunumlarını dinleyiciler huzurunda gerçekleştirmeleri gerekmektedir. 2007 tarihinden itibaren kurs destek sistemi olarak, uzaktan eğitim sistemi kullanılmaktadır. Bu sistem web üzerinden elearning. adresinden erişilmektedir.Bu sistem, eğitim ve öğretime farklı olanaklar sunmaktadır. Kurs hakkında yapılan duyurular ve elektronik malzemelerin öğrencilerle paylaşılması bu sistemin kullanım alanlarından bazılarıdır. Aynı zamanda da öğrencilerin geleneksel sınıf uygulamalarına göre daha aktif bir şekilde kurs hakkındaki belirli konular üzerinde eğitmenleri ve arkadaşlarıyla bir tartışma platformunda kendilerini göstermelerine yardımcı olmaktadır.
Bu sistemin sağladığı bazı temel özellikler;
-Verilen ödevlerin teslim edilmesi
-Tartışma platformunun kurulması
-Dosya paylaşımları
-Sistem üzerinden anlık mesajlaşma
-Çevrimiçi takvim
-Çevrimiçi haberler ve duyurular
-Çevirimiçi test
-Hızlı bilgi erişimi
Bu sistem ayrıca kağıt israfının azalmasını ve her bir öğrencinin eşitliğini ,şeffaflığını sağlamaktadır.Bu sistem birçok diğer sosyal ağ servisleri gibi kursa kayıtlı olan tüm öğrenci ve eğitmenlerin gelen mesajları görebilmesini sağlar. Bu nedenle sınıf dışında öğrencilerle iletişime geçmek ve bir aktivite planlamak için kullanılan çağdaş bir eğitim yoludur. Mühendislik fakültesinde sistemin kullanım şekli verilen kursa ve eğitmene göre değişmektedir. Git gide bu sistemin kullanımı tüm eğitmenlerimiz tarafından teşvik edildiği için artmakta ve yararları büyümektedir.
Mühendislik fakültesi öğrencilerinin mezun durumuna gelebilmesi için alması gereken tüm dersleri, laboratuvar çalışmalarını, hazırlaması gereken raporları ve uygulamalı vazifelerini tatminkar düzeyde tamamlamış, bölümünün gerektirdiği asgari ders kredi saatini elde etmiş, 2.00 veya üzeri bir genel ortalama sağlamış olması ve finansal bir problemi olmaması gerekmektedir.
Mezuniyet Üniversite Senatosu tarafından ilgili Fakültenin tavsiyesi ile tevcih edilir.
Diplomalar Öğrenci İşleri tarafından hazırlanır ve diploma üzerinde mezun olunan programın ismi, mezuniyet tarihi ve elde edilen derece belirtilir.
MT111- Calculus I (3, 2) 4
Real numbers, functions, and graphs; limits and continuity; the derivative and differentiation; extreme function values, techniques of graphing, and the exact differential.
MT112 -Calculus II (3, 2) 4
The definite integral and integration; computing areas; application of the definite integral; inverse functions, and exponential functions; and inverse trigonometric functions, and hyperbolic functions. Computing anti derivative, rational functions. (Prerequisite: MT111)
MT211 - Calculus III (3, 2) 4
Calculus of several variables, emphasising applications. Vector algebra, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Infinite series, and power series. (Prerequisite: MT 112)
MT104 - Linear Algebra (3, 0) 3
This course deals with subjects such as system of linear equations, matrices, determinants, introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors, dot product, cross product, vector spaces and linear transformations.
MT207 - Statistical Methods for Engineers/Probability (3, 0) 3
Theoretical definition of probability, various examples for probability, counting techniques, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, tree diagrams. Discrete and continuous probability distributions, mathematical expectation, standard normal distribution. Introduction to inferential statistics. Organising data, calculating mean, standard deviation, mode, median and range.
MT212 - Engineering Mathematics(3, 0) 3
Vector calculus. Orthogonal co-ordinate systems, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates. Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals, Divergence and Stokes’ theorems. Complex numbers, and the theory of functions of a complex variable. Fourier series and boundary value problems. (Prerequisite: MT211)
MT206 - Differential Equations (4, 0) 4
Study of ordinary differential equations. Standard solution methods for first-order equation. Higher-order forced linear equations with constant coefficients. Complex numbers; Laplace transform. Matrix methods for first-order linear systems with constant coefficients. Series solutions to second-order equations. Fourier series solutions. (Prerequisite: MT112)
MT308 - Numerical Analysis (3, 0) 3
Errors and accuracy; polynomial approximation; interpolation; numerical differentiation and integration; numerical solution of differential equations; least square and minimum - maximum errors approximations; non-linear equations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. (Prerequisite: MT112)
PS111 - General Physics I (2, 2) 3
Introduces classical mechanics. Space and time: straight-line kinematics; motion in a plane; forces and equilibrium; experimental basis of Newton’s laws; particle dynamics; universal gravitation; collisions and conservation laws; work and potential energy; vibrational motion; conservative forces; inertial forces and non-inertial frames; central force motions; rigid bodies and rotational dynamics.
PS112 - General Physics II (2, 2) 3
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb’s Law, electric structure of matter, conductors and dielectrics. Gauss’s Law, Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere’s law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction; magnetism and matter; basic electric circuits; AC circuits and resonance; Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell’s equations. (Prerequisite: PS111)
CH101 - General Chemistry (3, 0) 3
Matter and measurements; Atom, molecules and ions. Stochiometry, the mole, mass relations in chemistry reactions; gases, kinetic theory of gases; electronic structure and the Periodic Table, quantum numbers, energy levels and orbitals. Covalent bonding, thermo-chemistry, calorimetry, bond energy, firs law of thermodynamics, liquids and solids, molecular substances, phase diagrams, types of solutions, concentration units, acid-base model, water dissociation constant, pH and pOH; Alkanes and alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbonates and their derivatives, functional groups, synthetic organic polymers, nuclear reactions, nuclear stability and radioactivity, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion.
ENG101 - Introduction to Computers (3, 0) 3
An introduction to basic aspects of computing, operating systems, computing environments, networks and tools. This course provides a background of tools using DOS and Windows environments for word processing, spreadsheets and databases.
ENG103 - Computer Aided Design (2, 2) 3
Understanding the purposes and commands of AutoCAD, creating new shapes altering them and adding new entities to them. Modifying objects placing notes and specifications on objects, drawing solid objects, Isometrics, The user co-ordinate system, 3D commands, solid bock building, plotting AutoCAD drawings.
ENG102 - Computer Programming I (2, 2) 3
First course in problem solving using computers. The concept and notation of algorithms. Problem analysis, development of algorithms and their implementation in a procedure-oriented language. Topics include the integrated programming environment (editing, computing, debugging), data types, operators, input/output structured programming, program control, passing parameters and arrays. (Prerequisite: ENG101)
ENG203 - Computer Programming II (3, 2) 4
A continuation of the development of discipline in program design, implementation and in programming style. Topics include algorithms, recursion, and classical data structures. An additional language will be introduced. (Prerequisite: ENG102)
ENG201 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (2, 2 ) 3
The Physical foundation of electric circuits. Electric current, electromotive force (voltage), resistance, DC and AC, Ohms law. Power and energy. Real and ideal sources. Circuit analysis of resistive networks: Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws, voltage-divider rule, the current-divider rule ,wye-delta transformations, voltage and current source conversions, mesh-current analysis, nodal analysis. Network theorems: superposition theorem, The Venin theorem, Norton theorem, maximum power transfer theorem. Transients in RC, RL and RLC circuits. AC waveform, period and frequency. AC values. AC voltage and current in capacitors and inductors. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis and power calculations. Mutual inductance and transformers.
ENG106 - Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering (3, 0 ) 3
Introduction to Industrial Engineering (IE), brief history of IE, related disciplines, production systems design, production systems design, production systems control, quality control, total management, operations research, decision sciences and systems.
CVEN205 - Technical Drawing (1, 2) 2
Introduction to technical drawing. Drawing instruments and their use, lettering, lines, geometry of straight lines, scale drawing. Dimensions. Development of surfaces, shape description, selection of views, projecting the views. Pictorial drawing, diametric trimetric projection.
CVEN201 - Statics (3, 0) 3
Introduction to rigid body mechanics, equivalent force systems. Concepts of moment, couple, resultant. Equilibrium; Free body diagram; equations of equilibrium. Structural analysis; trusses; beams. Properties of surfaces. Area moment and cancroids; moment and product of inertia; principal directions.
CVEN202 - Strength of Materials (3, 0) 3
Simple stress and strain. Equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive relations, state of stress and state of strain with emphasis on two dimensional problems. Bending and shear stresses. Shear and bending moment diagrams by integrating and section method. Deflection of beams. Torsion of circular shafts. Combined stresses. Buckling of columns.
CVEN204 - Surveying (2, 2) 3
Introduction. Distance measurement. Taping. Angle measurement. Errors. Direct, indirect and conditional adjustment of observations. Differential leveling. Rise and fall. Height of collimation method. Traverse surveys. Azimuth and coordinate computations. Area computations. Stadia survey. Trigonometric leveling. Contour lines. Curve layout. Remote sensing and photogrammetry.
CVEN301 - Dynamics (3, 0) 3
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies: absolute motion, relative motion. Kinetics of particles: equation of motion, work-energy and impulse-momentum. Systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies: Euler`s equation, plane motion of rigid bodies, kinetic energy of rigid bodies. Introduction to the dynamics of vibrating systems.
CVEN305 - Transportation Engineering (2, 0) 2
Detailed study of transportation planning process. Inventory of existing travel demand. Trip generation, trip distribution model split and trip assignment techniques, forecasting and plan evaluation. Vehicle, highway and travel facts. Vehicle operation characteristics. Stopping and passing sight distance. Zero line application, simple horizontal curve, compound and reverse curves, transition length and super elevation. Basic definitions and computations of level of service. Setting out circular and transition curves. Earthwork volumes.
ENG304 - Engineering Economics (3, 0) 3
Importance of engineering economy in Civil practice. Engineering economy related concepts, Present value of money, compound interest formulas, present worth methods, payback period, internal rate of return, capital cost, Benefit/cost rate, evaluation of alternative investment projects, mathematics of inflation, risk analysis.
ENG204 - Introduction to Modelling & Optimisation (3, 0) 3
A general overview of operations research, with selected applications from engineering and management systems and interdisciplinary areas. The methodology of mathematical modelling and its relation to problems in Civil, commercial and public systems. Introduction to linear programming: the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis and related topics. Network models and project scheduling.
CVEN307 - Soil Mechanics (2, 2) 3
Introduction: Engineering problems involving soils. Basic characteristics of soils, classification and compaction of soils. Principle of effective stress. Permeability and flow of water (seepage) in soils. Shear strength of soils. Slope stability. Lateral earth pressure theories. Consolidation theory.
CVEN308 - Construction Materials (3, 0)3
Role of materials in construction, concrete as a material, its ingredients and concrete production process including prefabrication, modular coordination, cement: hydration, chemical reaction, structure of cement paste, consistency and setting. fresh concrete: role of aggregates and water in fresh concrete, workability test for workability, admixtures, segregation and bleeding, strength of concrete: role of porosity, w/c ratio, role of aggregate, aggregate-mortar interface, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and their tests. NDT, durability and long term performance of concrete. Sulphate attack, corrosion of rebar etc. Cement, aggregate and water selection for concrete, mix design of concrete, Bricks and mortar and their properties and other masonry construction. Metals with reference to structural steel: Structure and its role in properties of steel. Strengthening mechanism in metals. Behaviour in service and corrosion. Uses of metals in civil engineering, plastics and polymers in construction, admixture paints, sealants and adhesives. Water proofing materials, timber and glasses. Lime and supplementary cementations materials.
CVEN309 - Fluid Mechanics (3, 0) 3
Definitions, physical properties. Hydrostatics, forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, hydrostatics in moving and rotating containers. Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, derivatives, rate of deformation, flow lines. System and control volume approach, Reynolds transport theorem, principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, Bernoulli equation. Dimensional analysis.
CVEN410 - Hydrology (2, 0) 2
Hydrologic analysis in water resources: Precipitation, stream flow and hydrograph analysis. Hydrologic flood routing. Statistical analysis in water resources. Ground water hydrology. Engineering applications.
CVEN303 - Structural Analysis I (3, 0) 3
Unsymmetrical bending, shear center. Definition, classification, idealisation and modelling of structure. Analysis of statically determinate structures, including beams, frames and arches. Analysis of cables. Work and energy principles and their application in deformation analysis of structures. Force method of structural analysis.
CVEN304 - Structural Analysis II (3, 0) 3
Introduction to structural analysis. Displacement methods: slope deflection, moment distribution, special topics. Stiffness method, derivation of element stiffness matrices, assembly procedures. Computerised implementation of the stiffness method and use of instructional programs. Large scale structural analysis. Influence lines and moving loads.
CVEN306 - Reinforced Concrete Structures I (3, 0) 3
Concept of design Structures. Limit state theory, concept of safety, definition of reinforced concrete element. Criterion of failure of axial loading. Section under binding and axial load, cracking and limit states. Stress distribution of compression zone of concrete. Bending combined with axial loading. Internal forces. Equilibrium equations. Design tables and curves for rectangular section. Providing safety for shear in columns and beams. Providing safety for shear in columns and beams. Design of Beams and Frames. Torsion. Bond, anchorage, splices of reinforcement. Ductility. Beam-column joints. Design specifications. Slabs with beams. One way slabs. Two way slabs. Design specifications.
CVEN407 - Reinforced Concrete Design II (3, 0) 3
Behavior and strength of members under combined shear and torsion: design reinforced concrete beam for shear, torsion and bending. Serviceability of beams, one- way and two-way slabs: deflection behavior and control. Structural systems: framed, wall and combined structures, flat slabs and plates. Seismic design principles. Modeling and design with SAP 2000 Educational. Advanced methods of construction: prefabricated and prestressed concrete, composite structures. Repair and strengthening of structures.
CVEN311 - Design of Steel Structures I (3, 0) 3
General concepts in design. Design methods, loads (dead, live, wind, snow and earthquake), codes, safety, serviceability. Behavior of steel structures. Tension members, compression members, beams, beam-columns, types and behavior of connections in steel structures, bolted and welded connections. Introduction to computer aided design using SAP 2000-Educational.
CVEN312 - Design of Steel Structures II (3, 0) 3
Elementary Plastic Analysis and Design (Introduction, scope of plastic analysis, ultimate load carrying capacity of tension members and compression members, flexural members, shape factor, mechanisms, plastic collapse, analysis, plastic analysis applied to steel beams and simple portal frames and design). Design of Water Tanks (Introduction, permissible stresses, design of circular and rectangular steel tanks). Towers (Transmission line towers, microwave towers, design loads, classification, design procedure and specification). Industrial Buildings (Loads, general arrangement and stability, design considerations, design of purlins, design of roof trusses, industrial building frames, bracings and stepped columns).
CVEN401 - Earthquake Engineering (3, 0) 3
Nature of earthquake ground motion and response spectra. Dynamic response of buildings. Static lateral force procedures and provisions of acting Codes. Principles of design for drift and lateral stability. Seismic design of floor diaphragms, steel and reinforced concrete structures. Geotechnical and foundation design considerations. Design of structures with seismic isolation. Utilization of software packages SAP2000-Educational for seismic design of structures.
CVEN409 - Construction Engineering and Management (3, 0) 3
Profile of construction sector; company and site organization. Documents in a contract file, types of contracts. General specifications for public works. Technical specifications. Working schedules; manpower and equipment requirements on the job. Quantity measurement monthly payments. Final account and payment. Safety in construction. Economical and juridical basis of construction planning. Methods of planning. Gnat charts, networks. CPM and PERT Arrow and present system. Rock drilling and blasting operations.
CVEN403 - Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (2, 2) 3
Application of finite element method and computer programs for problems of structural mechanics and design of structures. Utilization of new and updated package programs in modeling of structures. Two and three dimensional complete analysis and design of buildings. Utilization of software packages SAP2000-Educational, Ide-Static, Probina.
CVEN490 - Special Project (0, 6 ) 3
This is the capstone course for students in civil engineering. It is designed to bring together the knowledge and skills learnt in the major engineering courses and the minor or further specialization option. The student has the option of one of the following main branches of specialization.
- Structural Mechanics Division
- Transportation Division
- Construction Division
- Hydraulics Division
CVEN250 - Summer Practice I (NC)
Preparing of standard engineering drawings. Surveying. Construction materials. Quantity estimates.
CVEN350 - Summer Practice II (NC)
Subjects available: Surveying, quantity and cost estimates. Construction materials. Site applications. Reinforced concrete, structural, hydraulic and highway design. Preparing standard engineering drawings.
CVEN415 - Construction Contracting (3, 0)3
Construction industry, principles of construction contracting, construction organization, contracts and tendering, different types of contracts, construction laws and regulations, contract documents, bonds and liabilities, joint-venture and consortium contracting, value engineering, construction finance and accounting, construction claims, disputes and arbitration.
CVEN420 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design (3, 0)3
Discussion of water quality constituents and introduction to the design and operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities. This course familiarizes students with appropriate design criteria, the design process for water and wastewater treatment plants including unit operations in wastewater treatment, physical, chemical, and biological processes for treatment of wastewater, sludge treatment and disposal, design of a wastewater treatment plant and cost estimates
CVEN425 - Mechanics of Sea Waves (3, 0)3
Wave theory and applications to engineering problems; basic wave theory (wave generation, refraction, diffraction and shoaling), wave prediction techniques; wave properties and transformation in shoaling water; wave spectra. Various techniques to compute wave loads on marine and offshore structures.
CVEN430 - Coastal and Port Engineering (3, 0)3
Basic coastal and port planning including site selection, environmental factors, and technical considerations; Planning and design of seawalls, groins, jetties, wharves, quays, breakwaters, revetments, harbours, bulkheads, piers, fenders and layout of ports.
CVEN435 - Introduction to Design and Construction of Offshore Structures (3, 0)3
Review of concepts of analysis for functional design of offshore platforms. Technical review of different types of offshore structures, principles of structural analysis and design of offshore structures to withstand hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loading of the sea. Hydrodynamic phenomena including wind and current interaction, vortex shedding and wave forces. Considerations include;planning, design, construction, transportation and installation of offshore structures, material types and safety factors.
CVEN440 - Foundation Engineering (3, 0) 3
Site investigations, retaining structures, excavations, shallow foundation design, bearing capacity, settlement, stress distribution in soils, initial settlement, consolidation settlement, permissible settlement, deep foundation design, bearing capacity, types of piles, ground improvement.
CVEN445 - Bridge Design (3, 0)3
Review of highway bridge analysis and design fundamentals. Study of influence line diagrams and shear and moment envelopes. Design of medium- and short-span girder bridges includes; highway loading, load distribution, moving loads, deck girder bridges, design of bridge elements, piers, abutments, specifications and codes and bridge construction.
CVEN460 - Airport Design (3, 0)3
Planning and design of general aviation and air carrier airports. Landside components including vehicle ground-access systems, vehicle circulation parking, and terminal buildings. Airside components include aircraft apron-gate area, taxiway system, runway system, air traffic control facilities and airspace. Selection of site, soil investigation, layout, design of surface drainage, grading plans and earthwork estimates, airport pavement design; markings, lighting, pavement design of apron sand taxiways.
CVEN470 - Prestressed Concrete (3, 0)3
Nature of prestressing and properties of prestressed concrete. Prestressing techniques. Analysis of stresses in statically determinate and statically indeterminate prestressed concrete beams. Behaviour of prestressed concrete elements under axial loading, flexural loading, shear, torsion and combined loading.
CVEN480 - Project Planning and Scheduling (3, 0)3
Fundamentals of planning, scheduling and management of different projects. Review of Gantt chart, PERT, CPM and generally the network planning systems., Construction contracts, delivery methods, concepts of estimating fundamentals, activity duration, network calculation, fundamentals of project controls, costs, schedule and resource control, applying real projects related to civil engineering fields by using M.S. Project and P3 (Primavera Project Planner) software.
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
CVEN415 | Construction Contracting | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN420 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN425 | Mechanics of Sea Waves | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN430 | Coastal and Port Engineering | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN435 | Introduction to Design and Construction of Offshore Structures | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN440 | Foundation Engineering | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN445 | Bridge Design | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
EVEN460 | Airport Design | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
CVEN470 | Pre-stressed Concrete | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
Toplam | 27 | 0 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
MT111 | Calculus I | 3 | 2 | 4 | 7 | İndir | ||
ENG103 | Computer Aided Design | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
PS111 | General Physics I | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
CH101 | General Chemistry | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
ENG101 | Introduction to Computers | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
ENGL002 | English I | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | |||
Toplam | 18 | 30 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
MT112 | Calculus II | 3 | 2 | 4 | 7 | İndir | ||
PS112 | General Physics II | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
ENG102 | Computer Programming I | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
MT104 | Linear Algebra | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
ENG106 | Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
ENGL002 | English II | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | |||
Toplam | 18 | 30 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
MT211 | Calculus III | 3 | 2 | 4 | 7 | İndir | ||
MT207 | Probability Theory | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
ENG201 | Fund. of Electrical Engineering | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
ENG203 | Computer Programming II | 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 | İndir | ||
CVEN201 | Statics | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | İndir | ||
CVEN205 | Technical Drawing | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | |||
Toplam | 19 | 24 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
MT212 | Engineering Mathematics | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
MT206 | Differential Equations | 4 | 0 | 4 | 7 | İndir | ||
CVEN204 | Surveying | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0 | |||
ENG204 | Intro. to Modelling and Optimisation | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
CVEN202 | Strength of Materials | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
ELXXX | Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4 | |||
CVEN250 | Summer Practice I | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
Toplam | 19 | 28 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
CVEN301 | Dynamics | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
CVEN305 | Transportation Engineering | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 | |||
CVEN307 | Soil Mechanics | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | |||
CVEN309 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | |||
CVEN303 | Structural Analysis I | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
TURK001 | Turkish I | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | İndir | ||
CVEN311 | Design of Steel Structures I | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
Toplam | 17 | 29 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
CVEN306 | Reinforced Concrete Structures I | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
CVEN312 | Design of Steel Structures II | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | |||
CVEN304 | Structural Analysis II | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | |||
CVEN308 | Construction Materials | 1 | 4 | 3 | 4 | |||
ENG304 | Engineering Economics | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
MT308 | Numerical Analysis | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
TURK002 | Turkish II | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | İndir | ||
CVEN350 | Summer Practice II | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
Toplam | 18 | 31 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
CVEN401 | Earthquake Engineering | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
CVEN403 | Computer Application in Civil Engineering | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | |||
CVEN407 | Reinforced Concrete Structures II | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | İndir | ||
CVEN409 | Construction Engineering and Management | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4 | |||
TELXXX | Technical Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | |||
ELXXX | Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4 | |||
NH001 | National History I | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | İndir | ||
Toplam | 18 | 30 |
KOD | DERSİN ADI | T | U | K | AKTS | Ön Koşul | Syllabus | Açıklama |
CVEN490 | Special Project | 4 | 0 | 4 | 5 | |||
CVEN410 | Hydrology | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 | |||
TELXXX | Technical Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | |||
TELXXX | Technical Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | |||
TELXXX | Technical Elective | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | |||
NH002 | National History II | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | İndir | ||
Toplam | 18 | 32 |