
Pazartesi Seminerleri
Yard. Doç. Dr. Hossein Sadri
Pazartesi, 16 Temmuz 2012
A huge gap between the implementations of architectural projects, the architects' perceptions of their own works and the conceptions of society about architectural practices can be observed easily. While architects try to introduce their practice as a must for welbeing of societies, the social and ecological harms resulting from architecture are increasing constantly. This presentation focuses on the disorders of the system in general and the schizophrenic situation of architecture specifically in recent years. It tries to raise the question wether there can be a possible solution or therapy to cease the damages and bind up the wounds.
Bahar Aktuna
Pazartesi, 2 Temmuz 2012
It is possible to categorize the phases of an architectural project as programming and analysis, schematic design, design development, working drawings, bidding, construction, occupation, maintenance and demolition. Early stages of design are considered very fuzzy; there is little information, even though nearly all the important decisions have to be made at this time. One of the most prominent goals of architectural education in universities is to increase creativity and problem solving abilities of students. Consequently, the furthest phase completed in most architectural design studios is the schematic design stage. During activities of researching, site analyzing, architectural programming, bubble diagramming, and zoning, some preliminary design ideas are already forming in mental space. In order to turn these abstract ideas into physical entities in schematic design stage, the
elements and principles of design are used to create a composition. Between the phases of information gathering and analyzing, and schematic design, sometimes a ”concept“ is used as a guiding idea. What is a concept? Why and when is it necessary to use a concept in the process of architectural problem solving? What kind of qualities does a concept bring into an architectural design?
Mimar ve Mimarlık: Çevirim-içi ve Çevirim-Dışı İlişki
Yard. Doç. Dr. Shahin Keynoush
Pazartesi, 25 Haziran 2012
In the era of technology, information does not respect ranks or possession or wrinkles, and it seems that the time of Offline Relations is over. It is started to show up in many post-modern sciences such as mathematics, system theory and computer programming. The perception of absolute certainty for system control; seems to be failed. This presentation is trying to figure out, an argument on our task through the Online Relations in design process of architectural world in approach to IT and the wide effects of ICT By the way don’t forget : ”SPACE IS ALL ABOUT THE RELATION“