
Ersun Yanal Came Together With GAU Students
Academicians and students give an intensive consequence to the “Technical Improvements in Football” themed bull session which was held in GAU Spectrum International Congress Center with Famous Football Coach Ersun Yanal.
Famous Football Coach Ersun Yanal: The way to success is preparing a substructure, make it usable, and setting targets. Because the period requires it. Yanal addressed to the statement of Ataturk and he said that “Authority can’t be established without knowledge. If you will be a leader, you can’t be a leader without knowledge. This is the basic structure of being a leader.”
In the bull session that was performed within the mediatorship of GAU School of Physical Education and Sports Director Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ferit Acar, Acar said these about Ersun Yanal: “Our recognizing with Ersun Yanal has started in Manisa sport and then it has continued with Dokuz Eylül University Spor Academy. In that period, I was working as a research assistant and Ersun was one of the most outstanding students of the school. He was one step ahead of everyone. Ersun Yanal is the most proper person to talk about knowledge and technological improvements under the university roof. In theoretical and practical field, Ersun Yanal created the most ideal model. He is one of the competent person about technological improvements in football.”
Then, Ersun Yanal said these in his statement that he made in return to the words of Acar: “We had a past with Mustafa and in the past there were many memories that we met in important places. Today is one of the moments we met. We have a student-teacher relationship and we had an opportunity to work together as workmates who make this job. Thanks for inviting me. Firstly, university’s opportunities and possibilities are very good, university’s warmth made us rejoice. Performing a nice conversation and meeting with students made me happy after a long time. It was a good bull session.”
GAU Vice Chairmen of Board of Directors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi made a statement to GAU TV and said these after the bull session; “Firstly, I want to thank to Ersun Yanal to devoted some time to come. In an environment where 70% of our students came from Turkey, the arrival and meeting of important names with our students from Turkey is so important both for us and our students. I thanks to our coach again as Girne American University family.” Vehbi also indicated that the other day, they had an opportunity to participate in the GAU Çetinkaya T.S.K. match with Ersun Yanal and he conveyed that they were delighted to have Yanal here.
At the end of the bull session Ersun Yanal took a souvenir photo with GAU Academicians and students.