
GAU Badge-Pinning Ceremony For The Marines
The students of the Deck (Marine Transportation Management Engineering) Department, which provides a 4 year educational period within GAÜ Marine and Transportation College, received their “GAU badges” at a ceremony
At the Kyrenia campus of GAU located in Cyprus, the GAU Health, Culture and Sport Department Head - Türkay Akpınar, the Marine and Transportation College department heads, academicians and students attended the ceremony held at the Millenium Senate Hall.
At the ceremony which began with a minute of silence and the reading of the National Anthem the GAU Marine and Transportation College headmaster, unlimited master - Efdal Safel, stated the pride, honour and responsibility of pinning the badges. Safel emphasized that the young sailors are the GAU family sailors; he wanted from them either within the school or their career life, regardless of the religion, language, race of the other sailors, to help each other to get along, to be respectful and kind, to protect the nature and environment, to give themselves the required value to maintain a healthy life and always, in whatever way, to support peace. Master Efdal Safel emphasized the necessity of carrying the GAU`s 30th anniversary slogan, which is the Health and Peace theme, in their hearts forever and continued his words as follows:
“Dear young sailors while carrying the GAU badges with pride, honour and responsibility you should not forget that there are responsibilities that you must fulfil towards yourself, family, country and the world. In order for you to fulfil these responsibilities in the best way you should not have any weaknesses. With the career based education that you will receive from the GAU Marine and Transportation College, Deck department, I am sure that you will get the highest achievement in the marine field. I believe in you. Never try to be water in the sea. Be the salt of the sea. With GAU there is no country that cannot be navigated or a port that cannot be reached. I greet all those who have given their hearts to the sea, marine and sailors. I wish you all a healthy and peaceful school year"