
Significant Contribution To Tourism And Student Development By GAU
The common project, between GAU and the American Tourism and Hospitality Training Foundation (AH & LA) centered in Washington DC, situated in more than 90 countries and has been co-operating with over 200 universities and institutions with a history of 110 years, is beginning to yield positive results.
In this context, awareness training for the tourism and hospitality sector has commenced in collaboration with the American College and AH & LA to raise awareness in the College Level 15-16 age group and to help them plan their future careers towards Tourism Education.
In the scope of research carried out by GAU INTEB (Girne American University Tourism Education Association) with the objective of social responsibility projects, it was decided that the AH & LA HTMP (Hospitality & Tourism Management Programs) is to be applied to popularize the hospitality industry and the tourism education in respect of the students in high school by the agreement signed between GAU Tourism and Hospitality Vocational High School and AH & LA, centered in America, Washington DC.
AH & LA Regional Director Ed KASTLI who informed that this step of the American College as the first college to execute this program within the similar colleges in Europe and GAU which is the only authorized licensor of AH & LA training in Cyprus and Turkey Universities in the last few years, will be taken in an extremely positive way in the future years and stated that they developed a new training curriculum and this curriculum is currently only implemented in 14 States in America..
Vice President of GAU INTEB - Tuncel ERTAN who stated that the programs consist of 2 separate modules for six months and provides training in the American College reported that it is a great privilege for themselves to provide the HTMP 1 and HTMP 2 tourism training programs under the American College as a first in Europe. Ertan emphasized that the interest shown in this program by the students is high and that the course involvements are limited with 20 people by AH & LA, and also reported that the training and curriculum comes from Washington DC. Ertan expressed that the HTMP book, examination fee and examination certifications will be given to American college students in the 15-16 age group without any tuition fees. It was underlined that the popular courses in the hospitality sector such as Green Tourism, Hospitality Total Quality Management, ISO HACCP Applications and Ecotourism was shown great interest by students in recent years.
Headmaster of the American College - Aysu Balkanlar stated in her speech that the work carried out is a separate element of motivation among students and remarked that the quality of the education and curriculum is high thanks to the books from America.
GAU Tourism and Hospitality Vocational School Director and Head of GAU INTEB - Assist. Prof. Dr. Ismet Esenyel who made a statement on the matter emphasized that the privileged education that is to be provided to the 16-16 age group with their increased consciousness and awareness towards the tourism and hospitality sector and their extended perception, in cooperation with AH & LA and 120 universities in the tourism and hospitality industry, will bring an exception to the education of generations that are more educated, equipped and know closely the sector needs absolutely in the future of the tourism sector. Also Esenyel emphasized that the new generations will describe their tourism movement and awareness more accurately to the next generation.