
GAU Aviation In The TRNC Sky For Republic Day
Girne American University (GAU) Higher School of Civil Aviation Microlight aerial training vehicle flew over the skies of Cyprus and became one with the enthusiasm of Republic Day at the official ceremony held in the capital Nicosia within the scope of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s 31st Foundation anniversary.
GAU Civil Aviation High School, which participated in the official passage over the ceremony area with Microlight aerial training vehicles that joined with the GAU Aviation Training Squadron within the 2014/2015 academic years, exhilarated the anniversary celebration of TRNC.
The official celebration program which began on the 14th of November, with the participation of the President - Derviş Eroğlu, on behalf of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey, General Secretary - Fahri Kasırga, President of Grand National Assembly of Turkey - Cemil Çiçek, President of the Assembly - Sibel Siber, Prime Minister Özkan Yorgancıoğlu, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey - Bülent Arınç, 2nd President Mehmet Ali Talat, on behalf of Turkish Armed Forces - General Galip Mendi, Turkey Ambassador of Nicosia - Halil İbrahim Akça, Lieutenant General of Cyprus Turkish Peace Keeping Forces - İsmail Serdar Savaş, Security Forces Command Commander Major General - İlyas Bozkurt, 39th Division Commander Major General - Sadık Piyade, 29th Division Commander Major General - Taci Kurul, Supreme Court President - Şafak Öneri, Vice Prime Minister - Serdar Denktaş, The main opposition General President of UBP - Hüseyin Özgürgün, some ministers, some member of the parliament, the other officials, guest delegations from Turkey, association officials of agencies and institutes along with the students and also the training device under the management of the Head of GAU Civil Aviation High School Pilotage Department – Assist. Prof. Dr Yusuf Şengür and Captain Lütfi Yüzüak brought excitement and pride to the skies at the official ceremony held at Dr.Fazıl Küçük Avenue today, which was shown intense interest by the citizens.
Serhat AKPINAR: “Happy New Year to our Republic which was built with Great Sacrifices”
GAU Founding Rector and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Serhat Akpınar issued a message that they celebrated the new year of the TRNC which is built upon great sacrifices and they expressed that the GAU Global Science Family are feeling honoured to be associated with Republican enthusiasm both on the land and the air.
Akpınar pointed out the importance and value of gaining our independence with the support of Homeland Turkey and throughout the great sacrifices in the past of Turkish Cypriots filled with challenges and he underlined the importance of higher education in announcing the independence and the voice of the Turkish Cypriots to the international communities and the world, will continue to announce the Turkish Cypriots voice to the international communities with the mission of carrying the Turkish Cypriots further with the intercontinental overseas campuses and people from GAU Global Science Family’s scientific productions.