GAU-SEM Contınues to Break New Grounds
GAUSEM To Introduce Leaders for the Fınance Sector Vıa Internatıonal Fınancıal Reportıng Standards (IFRS) Program
The Lifelong Learning Center (GAU-SEM) which serves under Girne American University (GAU), continues to contribute to the economic development of both individuals and the community’s by contributing to the adaptation of the information age societies by producing short and long term education programs that individuals and institutions will need for a lifetime since the day it was established.
Girne American University invites executive financiers for education via GAU-SEM about the certificate and diploma programs on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) system which became a requirement in European Union and the world.
GAU announced that IFRS will allow companies to engage same rules and standards within their own companies. It was also stated that IFRS enables healthy growth by creating confidence for investors and business owners.
In a statement which highlighted that financial reporting of thousands of companies are now made according to the IFRS standards by the directives of European Union in Europe, also stated that the process had started since 1 January 2013, after the legal arrangements which were made in accordance with the European Union harmonization studies in the Republic of Turkey.
Moreover, it was emphasized that the IFRS, which is an effective accounting reporting technique at international level, will be offered as a certificate and/or diploma program to particularly free or public accountants/auditors, bank officials and company accountants by the GAU-SEM from October 2014.
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