
GAU was guest at “Final Educational Institutions” General Assembly Meeting
“Final Educational Institutions” General Assembly Meeting which was organized after the educational and cultural co-operation agreement signed between Girne American University (GAU) and Final Educational Institutions was attended by GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi on behalf of the TRNC and GAU.
The annual General Assembly Meeting organized by Final Educational Institutions at Kaya Artemis Hotel was attended by GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi and the GAU Science Committee, as the guest of honour.
The cooperation protocol between the two institutions, GAU and Final Educational Institutions, includes collaborating in educational and cultural cooperation, encouraging students with education, understanding and mutual interest, improving the existing ones and ensuring joint tenancy of the results of investigations and transferring the educational and scientific experiences to each other.
At the opening of the General Assembly, Final Educational Institutions the Chairman - İbrahim Taşel stated in his speech that they had performed a fundamental agreement with Girne American University in recent months and GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi was among them as the guest of honour in this regard. Taşel stated that under the agreement they performed, students within the Final Educational Institutions will be able to benefit from the comparative advantages if they choose GAU.
GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi gave thanks in his speech to Final Educational Institutions for their kind invitation on behalf of the GAU Global Science Family and welcomed academicians to the TRNC from 81 provinces within the Final Family.
"Vehbi, who gave a short talk about GAU, stated that GAU is the first university of the island which started its academic life with 25 students at the beginning in 1985, and is currently in its 30th year. Vehbi stated that GAU with its 11 thousand students from 85 different countries and academics from 25 different countries has close to 200 associate, bachelor, master and doctorate programs.”
Vehbi, thanked Final Educational Institutions Chairman - İbrahim Taşel for providing the opportunity to be together with the Final Family, and expressed his satisfaction also stating that he would be honoured to see all of the Final Family separately on the GAU campus.