
GAU Intercontinental Education Admissions with 18 New Departments
Girne American University (GAU) which is celebrating its 30th Academic Year added 18 new Departments to its 2014/2015 Academic Year program.
GAU Student Affairs Department, which indicated that a total of 150 departments under GAU will operate; 2 Vocational High School, 5 Colleges, 8 Faculties, 1 Institute of Social Sciences, 1 Institute of Science and 18 new departments, will start student admissions and training with the new academic year. These are:
Vocational High School
* Social Media Expertise (Turkish)
Health Professions High School
* Radiotherapy (Turkish)
* Medical Documentation and Secretary (Turkish)
* Medicine Imaging Techniques (Turkish)
* Anaesthesia (Turkish)
* Elderly Care (Turkish)
* Health Care Management (Turkish)
* Operating Services (Turkish)
Faculty of Business and Economics
* Business Administration (Turkish)
* Oil and Gas Management
* Pilotage
Faculty of Engineering
* Computer Engineering (Turkish)
* Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Turkish)
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts
* Architecture (Turkish)
* Interior Architecture (Turkish)
* Plastic Arts
Faculty of Humanities
* Turkish Language and Literature (Turkish)
Faculty of Communication
* Digital Marketing and Social Media
Faculty of Health Sciences
* Emergency and Disaster Management (Turkish)
In addition, it was expressed that the18 new departments will have a direct effect on the increasing numbers of students who prefer higher education in North Cyprus.
The statement which indicated that many departments with education opportunities, especially pilotage, will start training for the first time on the international campuses of GAU in the UK, U.S.A, Hong Kong and Turkey as well as among the TRNC universities, stated that professions among the rising global world professions such as Maritime, Aviation, Performing Arts, Law, Advanced Engineering Disciplines and Fine Arts and Architecture, Interior Design, International Business, International Relations, Psychology and Health Sciences, will start training along with 18 new departments as part of the new academic year of Girne American University.
For detailed information about new departments, existing academic programs, admission requirements, online distance learning, graduate and doctorate programs please visit or call (0392) 650 2000 on extensions -1184-1205 - 1179 – 1185.