Two International Journal Publications by GAU Faculty of Education
Girne American University Member of the Faculty of Education - Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız has published his article entitled "Yunus Diyarında Bir Mevlevi: Arif Nihat Asya" in the Social Sciences Institute Journal of Eskişehir Osman Gazi University.
The abstract of the article is as follows:
Arif Nihat Asya - one of the leading representatives of the Republican period poetry - was born into an era in which the Turkish nation was greatly unsettled and was raised with further distress during his childhood and youth. During the academic years of 1954-1955, the poet was teaching literature in Eskişehir High School and within this period and later on he wrote poems regarding various aspects of this city. These poems were Yunus Emre orientated. Arif Nihat who as well was Mevlevi, had a specific interest in Yunus who was one of the most significant building blocks of literature and the history of Sufistic perception and thought. In his poems he focused on Eskişehir with hot waters, the flowing Porsuk River which divides the city and the beauty. In this study the emphasis was made upon the interest of Arif Nihat on Eskişehir and the bond he formed between the poem and the environment. The study was published as an invited paper.
The publication period of Eskişehir Osman Gazi University initially commenced with a special issue in the year 2000 and has been published regularly twice a year ever since. This journal is internationally referred to under national and international indexes like TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Social Sciences Data Base, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Ebscohost and ASOS Index.
The second publication of Yıldız is entitled "Sürgün Mektuplarındaki Ziya Gökalp” which was published in Türük journal.
The abstract of the article is as follows:
This study further discusses the conditions of nationalist patriots, military and administrators after the occupation of Istanbul on 13 November 1918. Following the occupation of Istanbul by the English both the members of Turkish organization and Party of Union and Progress were arrested and later exiled. The island of Malta was most used for these exiles. Ziya Gökalp was one of these arrested patriots. The patriots who were exiled to Malta were statesmen who acted as grand viziers, ministers and governors and also people who were commanders of the army, pashas who had many heroic victories, members of the parliament and also doctors.
Authors and journalists like Ağaoğlu Ahmet (1869-1939), Ahmet Emin Yalman (1888-1972), Aka Gündüz Enis Avnî, (1886-1958), Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın (1875-1957), İsmail Müştak Mayakon (1888-1938), Mehmet Şeref Aykut (1874-1939), Salah Cimcoz (1875-1947), Süleyman Nazif (1870-1927), Yunus Nadi (1879-1945) were also there. The common feature of the people who had been exiled to Malta was standing against the government, having concerns about the future of the country and the nation and membership to the Party of Union and Progress. Ziya Gökalp had written 570 letters during the time he was exiled. The most organized and enriched publication is the one prepared by Fevziye Abdullah Tansel and initially established in 1965 with a second edition published in 1989 and entitled as "Ziya Gökalp Külliyatı-II Limni ve Malta Mektupları". Tansel has added 572 letters to this book.
This journal is internationally referred to under national and international indexes like Türük Journal, International Language, Literature and Ethnology Researches Journal, and Academic Social Sciences Index.