GAU Announced the Quotas for Performing Arts
Higher School of Performing Arts dance department which commenced education under the slogan of “Time to Dance” has announced terms and conditions and date of the special talent examinations for the student candidates.
GAU has stated that academic units of Performing Arts have been granted accreditation and quota from Higher Education Council and Higher Education Planning Evaluation Accreditation Coordination Council and admission have begun for the academic years of 2013-2014.
Dance department entrance examinations are to be held on 6th of September 2013 Friday in GAU Girne campus.
Also been mentioned in the announcement there are world famous Turkish and Russian dance authorities, artists and academicians in GAU Performing Arts Department. Important names like Member of Turkey Dance Federation Board of Administrators and the creator of Functional Dance Theory Galip Emre, Oleg Manukovich, Liliya Biroğul and Suzan Heıjari-Erkan and also leading actors of Russian and European opera and bale performances are acting actively in GAU Performing Arts teaching staff.
Limited Number of Students will be Approved for 2 and 4 year Programs
Announcement also stated that only limited number of students will be approved for 2 and 4 year programs of Dance department.
It has further been emphasized that students whom graduates from 2 year programs of Performing Arts department will have the chance to continue their careers in as a Member of Dance Group, soloist, Acting Director, Choreographer, Body Movement Expert, Reformist Researcher on Dance Theories, Dance Researches, Performance Studies and Dance Criteria, Counselling Director on Art Organizations. For those students who will be graduates of 4 year programs will have a chance to be a Professional Dance Trainer and Dance and Art Director in Primary schools and high schools and also a Reformist Researcher on Dance Theories, Dance Researches, Performance Studies and Dance Criteria.
Further information and for terms and conditions please see