GAU “The Best University of 2013”
Girne American University was deemed worthy of Best University of the Year award by Oxford Europe Business Assembly (EBA) Assessment Board which resides in England and the award was collected by GAU Global Science Board in Switzerland with a formal ceremony.
GAU CEO and Vice-Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi has been granted the award of Socrates- The Best University of 2013 on behalf of GAU Global Science Board in the award ceremony held in Montreux- Swiss which had been attended by the leading universities of the world.
GAU deserved to receive the year of 2013 “Best University” award by Oxford, Europe Business Assembly (EBA) Assessment Board for its contributions to international education and innovative researches. Girne American University (GAU) was evaluated by the expert assessment board and at the end of the evaluation EBA deserved to receive the “Best University” award for the quality of education, esteemed degrees of the graduates, number of qualified staff, academicians, level of scientific research, importance of the researches for society, it’s level of technique, international participations and cooperation, academic schedules and it’s international student schedules.
Vehbi: “We are Proud of Any Development which enhances our Responsibility towards our Country”
GAU CEO and Vice-Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi has claimed that it is proud of any development which enhances our responsibility towards our country.
Vehbi also emphasizing that North Cyprus higher education quality and world recognition is expending the boarders of the island, it was also underlined that the vision of “3 Continents 1 University” is leading the global higher-education over the borders of the international GAU campuses.
Vehbi also phrasing his honor for having the chance to be granted the award on behalf of GAU Global Science Family, and also added that it is indeed significant for GAU to be awarded by the leading official accreditors of higher education of EU and the world.
On behalf of GAU, CEO and Vice-Chancellor of Board of Administrators Assist.Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi and the Director of Applied Social Sciences Tourism Graduate School and the Coordinator of GAU Tourism and Health Complexes Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmet Esenyel and together with GAU legal advisor advocate Aral Doğu will join to the “Health and Health Tourism” themed conference together with EBA’s international cooperation such from Russia, Belgium and Germany, in a field of tourism and health authorities establishments, later returning back to TRNC.