GAU Architecture is Amongst Top 5 Faculties
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadri: “The Goal is to Rank Amongst the Top Four Faculties”GAU placed 5th and EMU placed 19th in the ranking amongst TRNC Universities.
ITU has placed 1st in “The Best in Architecture Education” which was published after the examination of symposium, conference, exhibition and workshops in regards to their quantity and quality organized by the Faculty of Architecture during the Academic years of 2012-2013. GAU was placed 5th following ITU, METU and Mimar Sinan University.
www.arkitera.comwhich undertakes scientific publications for Architecture and leads Turkey’s Architecture sector has officially announced “The Best in Architecture Education”. GAU Architecture Design and Fine Arts Faculty Vice-Dean and Head of Architecture Dept. Assist. Prof Dr. Hossein Sadriconducted important points about the placements.
“The Goal is to Rank Amongst the Top Four”Assist. Prof Dr. Hossein has stressed that GAU Architecture Dept. Has reached its goal by ranking amongst top 5 of Turkey’s Architecture Faculties. Sadri also underlined that the main goal is to rank amongst the top four.
Assist. Prof Dr. Hossein emphasized that Construction Management postgraduate program which educated under Architecture Design and Fine Arts Faculty is been selected in “The Best 100 Postgraduates” by EDUNIVERSAL; an official institution of post-graduate auditing and accreditation. Sadri also stated that students of Architecture Faculty have begun to exhibit their works in Yıldız Technical University.
“The works of Architecture students will be exhibited in Istanbul between the dates of 1-30 April”The works of GAU Architecture students will begin to be exhibited on 1st of April 2013 in Yıldız Technical University under the title of Polyphonic Architecture: contemplating contemporary design in Cyprus - Works-in-Progress. Assist. Prof Dr. Hossein stated that thereof contains significance on student development and quality of education. The exhibiton can be visited till 30th of April 2013.