Plaquet of Appreciation From Police Organization to GAU
Dr. Asım Vehbi: “GAU is first university to announce 2013 as the year of Education”The conferences under the context of “Public Relations and Efficient Communication” which had been held in GAU Cyprus-Girne Campus International Congress Center Spectrum Hall and Millennium Complex Senate Congress Center for the police officers whom are part of Girne Police Directorate are over.
The closing ceremony which brought together the Director General of TRNC Police Ahmet Zaim, Deputy Director General Pervin Gürler, Girne Police Director Hüseyin Yeşildağlı, GAU CEO and Vice-Chancellor of GAU Board of Administrators Dr. Asım Vehbi, Vice-Chancellors of Board of Administrators Olgun Üstün and Cemile Esenyel, Rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Öner, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Sadık Ülker and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek and Secretary General Dr. Sualp Davut, held the presentation of participation certificates to the police officers by the Police Organization and GAU Senior authorities and the presenting of plaquet of appreciation from the Director General of TRNC Police Ahmet Zaim to those GAU academicians and Rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Öner, GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of Board of Administrators Serhat Akpınar.
Following the appreciation speech for the GAU authorities of Zaim on behalf of the police organization, he has also pulled attention for the importance of Public Relations and Efficient Communication in the policing. Zaim also emphasizing the significance of service and communication in the Police Organization, he has added that they perceive 2013 as the year of Education and are looking forward to cooperate with GAU in in-service training.
GAU CEO and Vice-Chancellor of GAU Board of Administrators Dr. Asım Vehbi, after collecting the plaque of appreciation on behalf of GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of Board of Administrators Serhat Akpınar, has concluded his closing speech by stating the GAU has broken new grounds for cooperating with natural and legal persons in in-service trainings. Vehbi also stated his appreciation on behalf of global GAU science family for all those whom contributed for the realization of announcing 2013 as the year of Education in cooperation with the Police Organization and GAU vision. Vehbi also underlined that, beside of in-service trainings; GAU is ready to contribute in other various projects in cooperation with Police organization.