IACBE Accredites The Programs Of GAU Business Programs
4 Associates Degree, 7 Undergraduate and 5 Graduate Programs under Girne American University (GAU) Cyprus-Girne Campus and Faculty of Business and Economy, are accredited by IACBE till2018.
Girne American University Associates Degree, Undergraduate and Graduate Business Programs were initially accredited in 2002 then recently prolonged till 2018 by IACBE - International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.
Following the 3 days of auditing and accreditation meetings held on September 2012 in Girne American University (GAU) Cyprus-Girne Campus Chancellor’s Office, the accreditations granted was communicated by the world’s leading business education; the authority of IACBE science commission board via official letter in regards to the Girne American University Associates Degree, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. It has also been declared that the IACBE accreditation of GAU will be officially announced in the annual conference of IACBE to be held in Orlando, Florida on April 2013.
4 Associates Degree, 7 Undergraduate and 5 Graduate Programs in Business Field accredited by IACBE
Further explanation regarding the topic forwarded by the deanship of Business and Economy Faculty has stated that the full membership status of GAU has been announced in the annual meeting held in the Kansas City of Missouri province in USA on April 2012 and also the contribution which the IACBE full membership provides to the student development and also underlined that this accreditation is indeed a significant status and reference for the higher education system and universities of Northern Cyprus.
Girne American University Business and Economy Faculty is the only one amongst the Northern Cyprus and Turkish Universities to be granted the Accreditation by the USA and US Official Accreditation Institutions
IACBE which is recognized by the USA Higher Education and Accreditation Board CHEA has emphasized that their aim of establishing and goals are to make decision of providing safety, quality for the higher education and significantly in International Business education and to be accredited and certified and be the auditor and leader in the main fields of common curriculum used worldwide and also to make decisions to increase the quality in education for its slogan been “Incentive for Perfectionism in International Business Education” . Also in the statement it has been underlined that the auditing of the IACBE covers the abroad university campuses, international academic cooperation protocols, scientific productions, academic staff, academic programs, sectorial powers and relations and physical infrastructure together with technology oriented higher education systems.
For been accredited and certified by the IACBE in departments of 2 year associates degree programs of Banking and Insurance, Marketing, Accounting and Business, 4 years undergraduate programs in Banking and Finance, Marketing, Accounting, MIS, Business, International Business, Economy and graduate programs in Finance Management, Marketing, MIS, Business and International Business, it significantly veils the difference of GAU in the field of Business. Also in the statement it was emphasized that GAU is the only university amongst North Cyprus and Turkish universities to be accredited by ECBE in Business programs and been certified by the official accreditation institutions of USA and Europe.