Girne American University hosted the famous journalist, author, documentary producer and philosopher in the context of 28th year social activities within the 2012-2013 academic years.
The commune which was held in Girne American University Campus was greatly participated by the GAU students and people of Girne and the International Congress Center Spectrum Hall was filled with 1000s of viewers.
Great interest was shown to the commune by many academic and administrative personnel of GAU besides of GAU rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Öner, Vice Rector Assoc.Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek and General Secretary Sualp Davut.
Can Dündar have made important comments throughout the commence while topics like the actual, life, politics and policies were analyzed via the perspective of Can Dündar and the GAU students and there were also discussions held from time to time.
“TRNC asking to be Free from the Title of Foster-Land” Commencing his word of speech by stating that he have visited TRNC so many times, Can Dündar have stated that despite the previous visits, this time the perspective of TRNC have been altered its structure and pulled attention to a point that TRNC is asking to be free of the foster-land title. Dündar emphasizing that it is a problem for TRNC to be recognized in the world, have also stated that the reality of the TRNC must be distinguished by the fact of will to be a structure with self-mobilized action.
“Coup d’état will not Advance Turkey” Dündar stated that the military coup d’état which had been activated in Turkey has abolished the idealist generations and prevented the development of the democracy and explained further that today’s youth is conveying their choice from social and collective activities to individual stance. Idealist thoughts were prevented by the contra-guerillas in the 1980 coup d’état and rightist and leftists were provoked against each other causing Turkey not to be a country of strong democracy and also stressed that 12 September coup d’état and after were not favored.
“Every Youngster and Dissident will taste the Tear Gas”Dündar referring to the Sledgehammer case and Republic manifestation haven stated that every youngster and dissident will taste the tear gas and underlined that the support the individuals of nationalist wing is not transforming into a social movement.
Dündar stated that the process is triggering a new movement while the populaces have witnessed the possibility of liquefying of some factors of the republic and that nationalists are aware of the fact that there is another state contra to them in this process.
Dündar pointing out that a new period is been given birth to with the easy access to information via internet by today’s youth without any difficulty and supported his words by explaining that modern individual is lacking communication with their valued people and instead spared time to watch factors of modern culture like Acun.
Ending the commune, Can Dündar was awarded a plaquet by GAU Rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım ÖNER.