GAU Financial Management Doctorate Program Starts Education
Leaving 27 years behind in higher education, the Girne American University - which takes its place in the Eduniversal’s worlds 1000 leading universities list - is commencing its doctorate program in Financial Management. Registeration for 31 postgraduate and 10 doctorate programs has now started.
Registeration for USA Campus based online postgraduate programs, GAU Kyrenia campus based postgraduate and doctorate programs have started.
GAU has announced that Social Gender Studies, European Union Studies (with or without thesis), Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Counceling Psychology, Health Management, International Law, Law, Business Management, İnternational Business, Financial Management, Economy, Marketing, Construction Management, Architecture, İnternal Architecture, İnternational Relations, Press, Public Relations, Tourism and Hospitality, Management Information Systems (MIS), Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Turkish Langauage and Literature Teaching, English Language Teaching, Program Development and Teaching in Education, Secondary school Field Teaching (without thesis), Educational Administration and İnspection, Computer and Instructional Technology Education (without thesis) postgraduate programs are now accepting applications from student candidates.
“10 Doctorate Programs are Accepting Applications’’
Turkish Language, Business Management, Management Information Systems, Financial Management, Computer Engineering, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Educational Sciences, Communication and Media Management, Construction Management and Marketing departments have announced that they are now accepting applications for their doctorate programs.
GAU has also announced that the academic programs, the new departments, application requirements and detailed information about the postgraduate and doctorate programs can be accessed from web address.