GAU Flair Exam Continues
GAU has announced that they have started to accept student applications to Interior Design & Graphic Departments within Architecture Design and Fine Arts Faculty, Stage Arts Academy Dance Department, Sport Academy Sport Management, Recreation Management, Physical Education and Sport Teaching.
“Departments with International Awards and Championships from Turkey have started to accept TRNC Nationality student applicants”
According to statement made from GAU Head of Student Affairs, Department of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Sport Management and Recreation Managements within Sports Academy; Dance Department and Architecture Design within Stage Arts Academy, and Interior Architecture & Graphic Department within Fine Arts Faculty have started to accept student applicants with TRNC Nationality.
Students who have TRNC Nationality may apply for the departments which require flair skills such as; Dance Department which had 2011 Turkey Dance Championship, Intercollegiate Dance Third Place, First Place in various dance categories and some special prizes, Sport Academy which had championships for Ping-Pong, Tennis, Badminton and Fencing from Turkey and Interior Architecture & Graphic Departments which had awards from Europe Union, USA and Architecture Award from Mimar Sinan University. For registration, students won’t pay extra tuition fee and they may continue their education at the campuses located in England, Singapore, USA and Turkey’s first education building located in Istanbul.
In addition to the statement you can access detailed information about Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Sport Management and Recreation Management Departments within Sport Academy, Dance Department within Stage Arts Academy and Interior Architecture & Graphic Departments within Fine Arts Faculty from or sending e-mail to and by calling Head of Student Affairs Department with following numbers 6502000/1205-1179