GAÜ Is Organısıng An Internatıonal Anthropology Symposıum
Girne American University Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts is organising an international symposium on Anthropology of space and place.
The symposium will take place at Girne American University Cyprus Kyrenia Campus Millenium Complex Senate Congress Centre. Anthropologists, architects, real estate developers and political scientists will be attending the symposium.
GAU rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Öner and the head of the Chamber of Turkish Cypriot Architects Azmi Öğe will perform the opening ceremony which will take place on Friday the 27th of July 2012 between 09.00 and 17.00. The symposium will be open to the public and will consist of 4 sessions.
Jakob Rigi, Rebecca Bryant, Ercan Gündoğan, Senem Doyduk, Emine Köseoğlu, Senem Zeybekoğlu Sadri, Shahin Keynoush, Bahar Aktuna, Gülten Göze and Hossein Sadri will make a speech at the international anthropology symposium which will take place for the first time in TRNC. Scientists from GAU England, Singapore and USA campus will also be attending and contributing to the symposium via teleconferencing.
More information about the symposium can be accessed from and by calling the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts on 650 20 00. The international symposium will be broadcasted live on GAU TV.
“Architercure Should not only be Seen as a Process of Construction but also as a Cultural, Social and İntellectual Phenomenon’’
The deputy of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Dean and the Head of Architecture Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri has emphasized that the symposium will unite interdisciplines and contribute to the accumulation of academic knowledge and stated that ‘‘some of the universities around the world are research-oriented and producing knowledge while others are only focused on using knowledge and teaching. GAU has been trying to become a research-oriented university in the recent years. This symposium proves our success in this matter’’.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri explained that as brand new theories will be presented, the symposium has expeditiously attracted attention, and stated that the papers presented in the symposium will be published in writing. Sadri said ‘‘I am sure that the papers presented in the symposium will be used as resources in many academic work and the symposium itself will become a byword in the academy’’.