
Expert Psychologist Şerife İncirlili Çelik informs that the methods of changing the stereotyped misinformation and behaviors of the individuals in the field of psychology are a whole with scientific treatment applications besides positive suggestions, and that the human sciences, again, examines the effects of developing and changing life on the human object.
Girne American University (GAU) Faculty of Humanities Department of Psychology Faculty Member Expert Psychologist Şerife İncirlili Çelik, in her statement drew attention to false knowledge and beliefs has said; " My specialty is on health psychology, that is, chronic diseases; especially people who have been exposed to diseases such as cancer, obesity, heart disease or diabetes and getting to know them and begin treatment on psychological aspect of it. We attempt to change the false knowledge and beliefs that has become fixed. This, in fact, affects our whole life, as such in this context the duration of treatment varies from person to person. Duration of the treatment changes from person to person because an individual’s environment where they grew or have been brought up, their families’ attitudes and values have starkly differences.”
Psychologist Şerife İncirlili Çelik who emphasized that the lack of interest in the health of the society negatively affects the possibility of early diagnosis; Early diagnosis; In addition to routine health screening, the impact of the media`s awareness-raising mission is positive. Çelik; "For example, it is very important for women who are not working, to follow the health programs at home, because gain awareness in some way. But in our country this rate is quite low, so we suggest and expect more of these programs to be increased."
Explaining that the childhood of the mainstream of thought is directing the current thought. Expert Psychologist Çelik; An important point in terms of child psychology; drawing attention to the details in the method of punishment and reward has said “While rewarding children, instead of pushing them into technology, we recommend that they be directed to an area where they can better assess their skills. This results in a reward being expected. The parents should first look at what they give to their children; for example, children should not be flooded with technology. W elet parents know that phrases like ‘You`re the one, you`re a hero’ is improper and work them towards correct ways of communication.”