
- Book named "Neo- Liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Profesional Era" with editorship Dr Hossein Sadri which contains heavy `Architectural Critism` has been introduced.
An event took place to publicise a book named "Neo- Liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Profesional Era" prepared under editorial responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri in English, took its place on the shelves.
The launch event took place in GAU Millenium Senate Congress Hall, and was attended by GAU Library Director Serkan İpekçi and Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Fodei Conteh alongside Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri took to the stage at beginning of the launch event conducted with contributions from GAU, publisher “Springer Nature” and “Springer Nature, Turkey Representatives” briefly mentioned the event will hold 3 seperate presentations regarding the book and academic publishing and invited GAU Library Director Serkan İpekçi to the stage to give his speech.
İpekçi stressed `Springer Publishing` and its “which ranked second in prestige in global sense” mentioned “enviroment of prestige” for `Nature` continued his speech with statement of “As for result of combination of both, `Springer Nature` ranks first in the world. It is the largest scientific publishing group. 9 of the 11 Nobel Prize winning people in 2017 are either writers or editors of `Springer`. Our University has subscription to E-Book and E-Magazines of Springer. It can be accessed 24/7 from Campus, from any network with no requirement of a password.” noted that the book is a great gain for architectural communities as well. Second speaker of the book launch Asst. Prof. Dr. Fodei Conteh voiced his opinion regarding the book which was about transformation of professions of architecture and education to parallel to socio-economic structure of the specific historical time period of world said “This resource which asks us to question where to look in modern architecture, will be an important reference for students of architecture, architects and anyone interested in this field”
Editor of "Neo- Liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Profesional Era" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri regarding the work which was met with appreciation by the architectural community has said; “We examine modern advances in field of architecture in a different point of view with known Universities, well known writers in academics and international organizations. While on one hand conveying inception and fall of vocational architecture, at the other hand questioning the finance aimed locational transformation that grows parallel to the neo-liberal economy, which has become a type of investment in world cities alongside image creation. This book, of course contains rival movements and gives examples of architectural examples from developing spatial activism.”