
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Başustaoğlu; "Sepsis causes more deaths than breast cancer and HIV / AIDS ...
Sepsis is a disease that occurs when the body begins to damage its own tissues and organs with an uncontrolled response to infection. In the first place, if early diagnosis and treatment are not performed, the sepsis ,which is often confused with other medical problems and is neglected, it causes disability in the organ, septic shock, tissue damage and high incidence of deaths.
Sepsis causes prostate cancer, breast cancer and more deaths than HIV / AIDS in the western countries. More than 5 million newborns and children die each year. Girne American University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Professor of Medical Microbiology. Dr. Ahmet Başustaoğlu answered the questions of "Medical Academy", one of the important digital health platforms in Turkey, about sepsis at the 37th Turkish Microbiology Congress held in Antalya.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Başustaoğlu; "Sepsis causes more deaths than breast cancer and HIV / AIDS combined"
Prof. Dr. Başustaoğlu, who explains that sepsis is a heavy clinical picture that is characterized by the presence of microorganisms over the capacity of the cells and tissues that form the defensive mechanism of the body, which are located in remote areas of the body, said: “
Sepsisin, vücutta birbirinden çok uzak bölgelerde yer alan ve vücudun savunma mekanizmasını oluşturan hücre ve dokuların ortadan kaldırabileceği kapasitesinin üzerindeki mikroorganizma varlığı ile ortaya çıkan, ağır bir klinik tablo olduğunu anlatan Prof. Dr. Başustaoğlu said: " Sepsis is a disease that manifests itself with the response of the body to the infection. The response may be to damage their own tissues and organs. The infection reaches the other organs by the patient`s circulatory system or blood. In this case, all organs are in danger. As such, sepsis may progress in some cases to acute organ dysfunction, that is, hypotension and septic shock accompanied by severe sepsis or organ dysfunction. Because of sepsis, about 20,000 deaths are seen every year all over the world. The progression of sepsis is largely determined by the speed and accuracy of treatment in the first hours of infection."
Prof. Dr. Başustaoğlu also stated: “ It may occur due to various infectious agents, including both bacteria and fungi.
“Bacterial cases are the most common cases. The immune system that acts to fight the infection reveals damage that causes septic symptoms. For example, when the immune system is fighting with the bacteria that cause the infection, it damages the organ. Eventually, it leads to organ failure. The most common primary sources of infections resulting in sepsis are urinary and reproductive tract and respiratory tract infections. Other common areas of infection are abdomen, apses and scar or surgical incisions. Blood circulation infections from the central catheter are also important infections, and infectious agents can enter the bloodstream through intravenous means." He emphasized that the gold standard for sepsis is the blood culture test.
Professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of GAU Prof. Dr. Ahmet Başustaoğlu who stated that blood culture test is to produce the microorganism in a laboratory setting and make it clear, said:, " In other words, in the culture test, we quickly decrypt the microorganism that causes the infection.”