Meaningful Activity From First Graders of The International Prep School
Major contribution from the junior students
First graders of The International Prep School, which is under Girne American University (GAU) Group of Schools, collected the tins, which were scattered in the nature, within the scope of social responsibility activities.
Meaningful work of the students, who delivered the things they have collected by visiting the "Tin House", gained appreciation.
First graders of The International Prep School, who actively participated at the "Tin Children`s Campaign", stated that they were happy because they put their contributions to this event, which aims to meet the needs of sick children.
The teachers, who informed the children about the campaign, stated the followings:
“Our students become happy for putting their contributions even if just a bit to the needs of sick children. Children’s are aware of the importance of protecting the environment, they learned that all wastes that harms the environment can be reused for recycling.”
Tin child campaign
"Tin Children`s Campaign", which was launched at TRNC some time ago, aims to contribute to purchasing of the device and equipment’s for the needs of “children departments” of hospitals with the income from the used aluminum beverage cans collected, which are haphazardly thrown to environment in our country and causes a major pollution for years in the nature.
Pollutes the Nature
A tin is lost in nature in 200-250 years. The recycling of aluminum cans, which are thrown to the nature, helps to conserve natural resources and contributes a significant amount to the economy.
Re-use of such materials reduces the consumption of natural resources, provides energy conservation, reduces the amount of waste and helps to preserve the balance of the nature.
While the solid wastes, which contaminates the soil and groundwater, disappear in years at the nature, also harms the nature as a result of spreading of disease, the visual pollution, air pollution and global warming.
Therefore, to give students environmental and natural consciousness starting from an early age allows us to raise sensitive individuals for the future environmental issues.