GAU Flying Angels Continues to Give Service to The Society
The Flying Angles within the GAU continues to give service to the society.
The general coordinator of GAU Flying Angles Günay Beyzade and the elderly care department coordinator specialist psychologist Şerife İncirli made statements at the TV Program they had attended.
Beyzade said the following in her statement;
“Between the 18th -24th of March” is celebrated as “The week of respect for the elderly”. The Flying Angles project was established by our University’s Founding Rector and Chancellor of the Administrative Board Serhat Akpınar. By this project we offer services to our society elderly and children with the help of our Nursing department, Education Faculty, Pre-School Teacher department and Human Sciences Faculty Psychology students. The academician associate professor doctor Tülin Bodamyalı is conducting the directing of our project in connection with the presidential office. As the general coordinator of the project, I would like to state that the project has three main branches and that the operation of each branch is conducted by an academician and that the overall task of the academicians is to while educating our students to control the places that the services will be given. There are nursing homes and rehabilitation centres that our Nursing and Psychology department students visit regularly. We are also providing caring services by visiting homes and places that our elderly is located. By providing services to any part of the society besides the care for the people in need, elderly and children we also contribute to the education of our students. The basics of a strong society are happy and healthy children and people.”
İncirli in her speech said the following about the system they are implementing;
“As the Elderly Care Department Coordinator and our University specialist psychologist within the GAU Higher School of Vocational Health I can say that the Flying Angles project is a voluntary based project that provides conscious service. The main task of the project is service with delicacy, consciousness of social responsibility and compassion theme that will be an example to all parts to the elderly and children of our society together with our students. The intention of the project; service towards improving general health and quality of life, the provided personal care, psychological support, books and newspaper being read to our elderly and providing skills on early stage care to support the healthy development of our children, at the same time to contribute to their development in cognitive, social and psychomotor fields. The aim at this point, is to contribute society health and development by providing service to our society with infrastructure and professional supervision. I am providing the necessary academic support to the students of the psychology department that is one of the three branches that takes place in the project. In the necessary situations I provide the Nursing department students with the academic support of psychological and health service that is needed in elderly care. With this project our students are gaining experience by integrating their received information in theory with practical experiences and this is a support in their improvements towards their profession. With the Flying Angles project and as always by showing our respect we are going to continue to provide the necessary support for the personal care of our elderly during this week which is celebrated as the “Respect for the Elderly Week” between the 18th – 24th of March. In these means at the basic of the Psychology and Nursing department students providing services at homes within the elderly care services is that they are putting their received information in theory to practice. These are easily summarised to be; reading books, reading the newspaper, to spend effectual time with the elderly, to keep track of their tablet being taken at the right time and correct way, if needed minor first aid, the control of house hygiene and most importantly keeping an eye on their diet. I would like to celebrate The Elderly Week and emphasized that the Flying Angels will continue its fundamental support in the best possible way in the name of social responsibility.