GAU Lecturer Şahoğlu Signified on Todays Agenda
Girne American University Faculty of Business and Economics International Relations Lecturer and holder of the Cyprus’s first female diplomat title Hasibe Şahoğlu signified on the recent days busy agenda of Suleyman Shah Mausoleum and women’s right and its importance.
Şağoğlu’s statements on Suleyman Shah Mausoleum event is as follows;
“There are two allegations relating Suleyman Shah. According to first theory Suleyman Shah is the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire Osman the Ist and according to the other theory Suleiman bin Qutalmish is the father of the Anatolian Seljuk’s Sultan Kilik Arslan the Ist; in both cases this mausoleum has spiritual significance for Turkey.
Suleyman Shah maousoleum located in Ceber castle was transported into Karkozak vilage by the orders of İnönü to prevent it to be flooded by the dam which was going to be built in 1973.
Suleyman Shah Maousleum issue once again came back to the agenda in 1990, and again excuse of dam will be build was shown and was asked to be moved to the Turkey’s territory but Turkey refused the transportation.
Suleyman Shah Mausoleum now being under the threat of ISIS and 36 Turkish soldiers present on the site were moved to Eşme which is a 35 miles away from Turkey by the operation carried out by the Turkey. İt is Turkey’s most natural right to protect its soldiers and mausoleum. But from the point of international law this is a one-sided intervention because there are no provisions allowing this in the agreement made with Syria.
This mausoleum which is holy for Turkey and under its sovereignty could not be left into ISIS’s invasion. Also this movement carries attributes and notifies Assad regime that it cannot involve in a territory under its sovereignty. For Turkey this movement is a demonstration of strength to US and the world. Turkey showed that it can make cross border military operation when necessary and will not ask for permission.
On the other hand perhaps a tactic used by a politician was implemented. Suleyman Shah Mausoleum transportation timing was selected in order to focus the public’s attention in another direction, distribute or to unite in a national phenomenon. İn this era in Great National Assembly of Turkey “Homeland Security Draft Law” have controversial, contentious negotiations.
Şahoğlu, “If mausoleum is built on a place it was transported there won’t be any land degradation.”
Also Şahoğlu referred to the following in her statement on womens right and equality;
Women are making mistakes when they are raising their kids. First it starts with colours, pink and blue then it continues with toys and plays. Doll for a girl and guns were given to boys. Inequality between men and women in mythology starts with Adam and Eve. According to say within the three religious books, women’s are diseased creatures made from Adam’s diseased rib. This image in their brain is continued throughout a lifetime.
In the Middle Ages with the influence of the churches women were characterised as sorceress and witches and were burned. These days one in every three women is exposed to violence; to strengthen their domination males resort to violence. Nowadays the situation of women in the Middle East is deplorable. Forget gaining rights, they are losing their existing rights; they are the ones who are the most vulnerable in the civil wars. Even though circumcision is banned to women in most countries it’s still being carried out.
Women’s Status in Cyprus
Women are more comfortable in Cyprus compared to most countries. However, there is still violence. Number of women who can enter the parliament is in the middle. But she said recently there have been women parliamentary speakers and presidents.