GAU Ranked Among The Top Four Universities of Turkey
EDUNIVERSAL, the international accrediting agency that controls university education in the European Higher Education system announced the result report of "universities with best masters education” research with 100,000 students which examined 12,000 masters programs from 153 countries.
The research has reported results concerning the North Cyprus Higher Education, and only Girne American University was able to rank in the final report issued by Eduniversal among the Northern Cyprus universities, while Bilkent, Sabancı, Galatasaray, Istanbul, Koç Universities were able to rank among Turkey’s Universities, and GAU has ranked among the top four universities throughout Turkey and was among the top 20 universities in general.
Eduniversal, the international accrediting agency that controls the university education in the European Higher Education system, has announced the result report of "Universities with Best Masters Education” research with 100,000 students which examined 12,000 masters programs from 153 countries, via a web address;
GAU ranked 18th Among the 200 University with Post-graduate Education
In the report, Girne American University was the only one to rank among the Northern Cyprus universities while Bilkent, Sabancı, Galatasaray, Istanbul, Koç Universities ranked among Turkey’s Universities between 4000 universities in various disciplines and areas as the "Top 20 Universities with Best Masters Education". GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of the Board of Administrators - Serhat Akpınar gave important messages about higher education and university structures in his speech related with the Eduniversal report.
Akpınar, "I share the justified pride of being a World University and a Worldwide Academic Maturity"
GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of the Board of Administrators - Serhat Akpınar stated in his speech that they are living the justified pride of being a World University, that it was a well deserved success and that GAU will obtain greater success in the coming years with its vision. Akpınar, who expressed that this success was obtained through dedicated scientific studies of the GAU global science family, emphasized that this result has great importance for all Cyprus and that once again demonstrated the importance of a university for the country.
Akpınar : “GAU Continues its Mission of Investing in the Future of the Country.”
Akpınar, who underlined that GAU has been giving important messages to the world with its intercontinental campuses, academic programs and public aimed projects at the higher education system as well as the reality of the country, emphasized that GAU`s success and the importance of its mission has not been perceived sufficiently by some and indicated that GAU will continue its mission of establishing the future and invest in the country’s future with the power of science and knowledge in the name of social benefits.