GAU Board Member Elected Vice President of Amforht
The GAU High School Director of Tourism and Hospitality - Assistant Professor Dr. İsmet Esenyel was chosen with unanimity to be the Vice President responsible for the development of Amforht’s (World Tourism and Hospitality Education Association) Hospitality Sector international Groups and Professionals.
Amforht was established in 1969, the 45th World Forum was held in the city of Bologna, Italy from November 20th to 22th. At the Traditional Annual Forum about 140 participants, delegates and opinion leaders in the tourism industry attended, this year GAU was represented by the Turkey and North Cyprus AMFORHT delegate - Assistant Professor Dr. İsmet Esenyel.
During the AMFORHT Forum, in our Governance of Directors and the presidential elections, which is held every 4 years, the GAU High School Director of Tourism and Hospitality - Assistant Professor Dr. İsmet Esenyel, by bringing something new to the table in AMFORHT’s history, was chosen with unanimity for the AMFORHT Vice President task responsible for the development of World Hospitality Sector International Groups and Professionals. Esenyel in a statement on the subject, said being given the task of Vice President of AMFORHT as a Turkish Cypriot he felt great pride and honour.
Esenyel further in to his statement, said that the forum is very important for GAU and the TRNC, he attended the forum by the name" Train The Trainer in International Hospitality Business " and again witnessed that tourism is one of the most important intermediaries that triggers peace in the world. Esenyel pointed out that along with The Board of Directors Elections a new development was experienced, he reported that the UNWTO’S (United Nations World Tourism Organization) previous President Francesco Frangiall had also been brought to the Honorary President of AMFORHT. Esenyel pointed out that Frangialli is one of the most important dominant names in the world tourism industry and stated that the "Code of Ethics" concept that had entered the world tourism literature is Frangialli`s work. With high work efforts of Francesco Frangialli AMFORHT will make cooperation with the UNWTO, he also emphasized that they will be working together on improving especially ecotourism, the International Chain Hotels and Business Organizations and the Food and Drink Art and Culture that is the most important concept that binds communities. He stated that the agreement between AMFORHT and UNWTO was signed by Yolanda Predromo who was from the UNWTO headquarters responsible for improving the Foreign Relations and Tourism Destination members.
Esenyel referred to the official letter sent by Philippe François, who was selected to AMFORHT Presidency in the second era, for 4 years of the Vice President duty by including individuals, civil society and Tourism Organizations reliant on the institution and organizations of the Tourism Industry situated in Turkey and Northern Cyprus to the AMFORHT structure, he stated that he is going to make all efforts to move the Tourism activity in our area to an International platform.
He pointed out that Turkey is no longer regional it is global thinking in the international tourism arena and is in the first five destinations within Europe. With the Regional workforce created they should not follow the World Tourism Policies, it should be the country to direct.