GAU Humanities Faculty English Translation - Interpretation Department students visited CNBC/NTV Istanbul studios between 31th January 2012 and 4 February 2012 to learn how dubbing, subtitling, examining movie translations and practices are done.
Under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman D. Göker, Head of English Translation and Interpretation Department, students who visited CNBC/NTV Istanbul Maslak studios had the opportunity to take part in subtitling, dubbing, watching how subtitling and dubbing exercises performed and translation of foreign movies.
CNBC technical management and crew watched admirably the students who had actively participated in dubbing exercises, transferring to subtitle system and direct translation of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Martha Stewart Show alongside with Game of Thrones.
NTV-CNBC and e2 Translation Services Manager Aziz Acar said that GAU Humanities Faculty English Translation - Interpretation students had come before and it is clear from their performance that GAU provides them with a high level of education. He also added that he would always welcome GAU English Translation - Interpretation graduates and be happy to see them work in their teams. He further added that students should prepare their CV’s and consult him immediately.
Department Head, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman D. Göker emphasized that this type of exercise is a first time in not only North Cyprus universities but also at same departments of universities in Turkey. He also added that by having good relationships with CNBC and other media organs, they had similar exercise with the TRT Istanbul Television last year and the students had the chance to meet authorities and learned practices in this field.