ATTENTION to students who will take courses in the SUMMER SCHOOL in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics!!
All Nutrition and Dietetics courses will be opened in summer school upon request. The 4-year course schedule is attached. You must e-mail the course you want to take and its credit to the Head of Department until 16.06.2021/Wednesday. You have the right to take a maximum of 12 credits and 4 courses in summer school. Rules about summer school:
Summer Semester 2021 Rules Regulations
Important Announcement for GAU Summer Semester 2021 Registration Summer school dates: 28th June 2021– 24th August 2021
According to the decision taken by the Board of Directors, the Summer semester 2021 rules and regulations are as follows:
- Students on academic probation can take a maximum of 2 new courses and 2 repeat courses (maximum of 12 credits). Students that are not on academic probation but have a CGPA below 2.00 can take 3 new courses plus 1 repeat course.
- Registered students (who are not in their first or last year of studies) may take a maximum of 4 new courses (maximum 12 credits) providing that their CGPA is 2.00 and above and there are no course clashes.
- Students that have 4 courses remaining to graduate (credit and/or non-credit courses) can take these courses (total credit hours not to exceed 12) with the approval of their Department and Faculty, provided that they have a feasible CGPA for graduation at the end of the summer term.
- Students who have successfully completed the Foundation English Program can take a maximum of 4 new courses (maximum of 12 credits) from the first year of their department; provided that no clashes occur in the schedule.
- Graduating students, wishing to increase their CGPA can repeat a maximum of 4 courses. The final grades awarded will be shown on their transcripts.
- The registration period of the Summer Semester 2021 will be between 23rd June- 25th June 2021. As of 26th June 2021, students will be charged a late registration fee of 25 Euros per working day. Students WILL NOT be able to register after 5th July 2021.
- Courses for the Summer Semester 2021 will start on 28th June 2021
- No “Add/Drop” can be done during the Summer Semester.
NOTE: In order to graduate from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics:
You need to take 146 credits required + 26 credits elective = 172 credits.