Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance


Our department aims to train undergraduate students in the skills and experience necessary to provide effective academic and vocational/career guidance within the scope of their training to students in primary, secondary, and higher education. To train undergraduate students in critical judgment skills regarding the needs of students to whom they provide guidance, and in appropriate referral skills for professional assessment, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment services. To develop interpersonal communication skills crucial for effective, healthy interactions and cooperation with students, parents, and school faculty and administration, as well as to be responsible role models in education. students, parents, and school faculty and administration, as well as to produce responsible role models in education.

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions of the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department

Semester I

GPC101 Introduction to Psychology (3-0) 3: This course aims to provide a general overview of theoretical and empirical areas of literature in psychology. Students are exposed to major areas of psychology such as social psychology, developmental psychology, physiological psychology, learning, memory and perception, personality and psychopathology.

GPC102 Physiological Psychology (3-0) 3: The course will cover the following: Fields of physiological psychology, research methods in physiological psychology, physiology and anatomy of organism, mechanisms of behavior, functions of senses, psycho-motor functions, motives and physiological foundations of emotions, functional disorders and causes of functional disorders.

TURK101 Turkish I: Written Communication (3-0) 3: The importance of written language and its rules.  The main differences between written language and spoken language; Reading, its importance and functions; reading types; expression and its rules, expression units, types, forms and means; general rules of composition; various forms of written expression; classroom exercises and discussions.

EFL 101 Foreign Language I (3-0) 3: The course aims to reinforce academic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through different selections on a variety of interesting topics. It also aims at developing students’ foreign language skill at a certain level by classroom exercises in order to enable students to use the language successfully and respond to the ideas in a well organized written and spoken format.

EDU103 Introduction to Education (3-0) 3: Characteristics and principles of teaching profession, school and classroom contexts, basic principles in education, alternative perspectives in education, social, psychological, philosophical and historical foundations of education, Turkish education system, relationship between education and other sciences (such as sociology, economy, politics etc.)

EDU105 Introduction to Sociology (2-0) 2:This course plans to provide the students with the ability of relating supposedly "individual" matters to social facts and hence to approach the patterns in everyday life from a societal level of analysis. The course will cover the following: basic principles of sociology, its historical foundations, the views of many well-known sociologists from Turkey and World, relationship between sociology and different sciences, examining different social groups, culture, media, sociological methods, general sociological theories and currents sociology studies.

EDU107 Introduction to Philosophy (3-0) 3: In this course the following will be examined: many different philosophical theories, different philosophical questions, the importance of philosophy, the views of many famous philosophers, its relevant to other practical issues,

COMP 103 Computer I (2-2) 3:  This course aims to introduce all students to the information technology basic and concepts and up to date applications to use these skills during their studies in their own disciplines, as well as in their professional lives. The course will cover the following: information technologies, basic issues in software and hardware, word processing programs, using the Internet in education, the effects of information technologies on social structure and their place in education, security and information technologies, and the related ethical issues.

HIST 101 Ataturk’s Principles and the History of Turkish Republic (2-0) 2: The history of the foundation of the Turkish Republic.  The course will include basic concepts, definitions, course method and definition of source, Industrial Revolution, French Revolution,Dissolution Period in the history of Ottoman Empire (19th Century), administrative reforms, 1st and 2nd Constitutional Monarchy Period, Tripoli and the Balkans War, 1st World War, Mondros Armistice Agreement, Wilson Principles, Paris Conference, M. Kemal’s arrival in Samsun and situation in Anatolia, Amasya Declaration, National Congresses, foundation of Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA), national revolts, constitution, foundation of unitary army, 1st İnönü, 2nd İnönü, Kütahya, Eskişehir, Sakarya Wars and Grand Attack, War of Independence, Lausanne and other Treaties and abolition of Sultanic rule.


Semester II

GPC 102 SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3-0) 3: Anthropology and its branches, research methods of anthropology, concept of culture and cultural theories,content of culture, cultural research, historical evolution of mankind, cultural evolution, natural surroundings, thestyles of production and shopping, differentiation and alignment, relativity, marriage and branches of familytree, language, studying art and other cultural theories.


EFL102 Foreign Language II (3-0) 3: The course aims to enhance the skills and knowledge which were acquired at EFL 101 section I. The section II plans to reinforce academic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through different selections on a variety of interesting topics. It also aims at developing students’ foreign language skill by classroom exercises in order to enable students to use the language successfully and respond to the ideas in a well organized written and spoken format.

TURK 102 Turkish II: Oral Communication (2-0) 2: Basic features of oral language and oral communication, basic features of oral skills like using thenatural language and body language, basic tenets of giving a good speech; basic features of a good speaker(stress, intonation, pitch, etc.). Impromptu and prepared speech, types of speech: dialog, conversation, introducing yourself, answering questions,celebrating special events, job application, interviewing, speaking on the radio and TV, etc. and correcting errors in speech.


HIST 102 Ataturk’s Principles and the History of Turkish Republic (2-0) 2: Political revolutions, political parties, transition to multi-party period, revolutions in law, reorganization of social life, renovations in economy. Turkish foreign policy between the years of 1923 and 1938, Turkish foreign policy after Ataturk, principles of Turkish Revolution (Republicanism, Populism, Secularism, Revolutionism, Statism, Nationalism).


COMP 104 Computer II (2-2) 3:  Basic concepts on computer assisted education, features, conceptual basis, advantages and limitations, methods of application, common formats used in computer assisted teaching, selection and evaluation of educational software, distance education, data basis applications, positive and negative effects of the Internet and computer on children/adolescents and ways to take precautions against negative effects.


EDU 116 Child Psychology (3-0) 3: Basic concepts and rules about development; developmental theories; physical, cognitive, moral and personality development of childhood; mother-father-child interaction; maladaptive attitudes and behavioural problems in childhood.

EDU 106 Scanning References and Writing a Report (1-2) 2: Learning about library systems, scanning internet and electronic databases to reach references, rules of writing assignment and report.


EGT 106 Educational Philosophy (2-0) 2:The course will cover the following: the relationship between philosophy and education, description of philosophy of education, main philosophical theories that effects education, (Idealizm, Realism, Pragmatizm and Existentialism), theories of educational philosophies (Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, Re-constructionism, Existentialism, Constructivism), the affects of philosophy of education theories on Turkish Republic Education Systems, philosophy of education and modern education systems.


EGT 110 History of Turkish Education (2-0) 2:  The importance of history of Turkish education from educational perspective, education before Turkish Republicand institutions that educate teachers. Turkish Educational Revolution 1: Historical background of revolution,philosophical, spiritual and political basis. Turkish Educational Revolution 2: Tevhid-i Tedrisat Law: It’s historicalbasis, contents, practice and importance. Secularism in Turkish education system: Turkish EducationalRevolution 3: Mixed schools and education of girls, writing revolution, National Schools, Public Houses Basicprinciples of Turkish Republic education system. Institutions of villages, institutions of education and HighEducation Schools. Universities and educating teachers. The development in Turkish education lately.


Semester III


GPC 201 Guidance and Psychological Counseling (3-0) 3:   An introduction to basic concepts and principles of guidance and counseling; historical background and development of the field; its fields and branches, research methods in the field, basic functions of the counseling and guidance services; roles and functions of school counselors; basic counseling and guidance techniques utilized by counselors, and ethic and legal rules of the field.


GPC 203 Statistics I (3-0) 3:  The course will cover the nature of statistics including the following: fundamental concepts of statistics, arranging the data, descriptive statistics, probability calculations and dissociation, statistical programs.


GK 211 History of Science (3-0) 3:The evolution of science since the ancient Near Eastern civilizations. Science in Ionia-Helena, Islam-Türk (Arab,Khorasan, Seljuk, Andalucia, Ottoman) periods. Since these periods and the Renaissance, the development ofAstronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Medicine, Biology, etc. in the “west”. Science in the 20th century andtechnological revolutions.


EDU 203 Special Education (3-0) 3: Basic concepts and principles of special education; examination of the various types of handicaps in childhood and adolescence; physical, cognitive, emotional and social developments of the children’s, types of special education services; intervention strategies offered to different types of handicaps. Organizations, programs, curriculum, and their implications provided for various types of handicaps in Turkey.


EDU 205 Measurement and Evaluation (3-0) 3: Place and importance of measurement and evaluation in education, basic concepts of measurement and evaluation, characteristics of measurement tools (reliability, validity, usability), measurement tools used in education and their characteristics, traditional measurement tools (exams, short-answered exams, true–false tests, multiple choice tests, matching tests, oral exams and homework), tools to collect data on students (observation, interview, performance assessment, portfolio, research projects, peer evaluation, self-evaluation, attitude scales), basic statistical applications on the results obtained from measurement, evaluation of learning outputs, grading, developing measurement tools in the related field.


EDU 207 Psychology of Adolescence (3-0) 3: A detailed account of various theories of adolescent development emphasizing on their biological, cognitive, emotional and social changes during adolescence, adolescents’ problems and possible solutions to their problems, adolescents and their family, adolescents in schools.


EDU 219 Observation in Schools (2-2) 3:  Experiencing  primary and secondary school environment and school climate with its organization, process and problems, understanding roles of all the personnel and their activities, observations and evaluations of the guidance services in educational organization, observations of the students’ behaviors in terms of guidance principles and concepts.



Semester IV


GPC 202 Non-Test Techniques (3-0) 3:Techniques a person gives knowledge about himself such as interview, recording memory, check list, time schedule, autobiography; observational method such as observation, rating scales, sociometry , who is who?, case studies; development and application of these non-test techniques and study of reliability and validity of these techniques.


GPC 206 Human Relations and Communication (2-2) 3: Definition, processes, types and principles of interpersonal communication, communication theories andmethods, importance and significance of communication, effective listening and feedback, barriers affectinginterpersonal communication, factors facilitates interpersonal relations and communication, senses and how touse them in communication, conflicts in communication and prevention, important points in communicationwhen talking with students, teachers and parents, communication practices.


GPC 204 Statistics II (3-0) 3:Hypothesis testing for one and two sample cases, z, t, F, chi-square distributions, multiple correlation and regression analysis, and SPSS Prerequisite: GPC 203


GPC 208 Social Psychology (3-0) 3:  An introduction to the basic concepts, principles, and theories of social psychology; the research methods of social psychology; analysis of major topics including human interaction and its products such as group structure, properties of groups, types of groups, intra and intergroup relations, leadership, power, communication, and social attitudes.


GPC 210 Psychology of Learning (3-0) 3: Basic concepts and principles about learning, different theories and approaches to psychology of learning, factors that affects learning, effective learningmethods and techniques will be examined in this course.


EDU 208 Principles and Methods of Instruction (3-0) 3: Basic concepts in teaching, principles of teaching and learning, the importance and contributions of planning in teaching (annual plan, daily lesson plan and samples of in class activities), teaching and learning strategies, teachers’ duties and responsibilities in elevating the quality of teaching.


EDU 210 Classroom Management (2-0) 2: Basic concepts of classroom management, communication and interaction in the classroom, different features of classroom management concept from maintaining classroom discipline, inner and outer factors effecting classroom environment, classroom management models, rule development and application in the classroom, physical arrangement of the classroom, management of the undesired behaviors in the classroom, time management in the classroom, classroom organization, designing a positive classroom atmosphere appropriate for learning with presenting examples and suggestions.


Semester V


GPC 301 Principles and Techniques of Psychological Counseling (3-0) 3: Principle of psychological counseling, psychological counseling processes and phases, basic skills and techniques ofpsychological counseling, practicing basic samples and techniques in psychological counseling.


GPC 303 Life Stages and Adjustment Problems (3-0) 3: Babyhood, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age and old age’s physical, cognitive, emotional and social development periods will be examined and possible adaptationproblems and how to cope with them will also be discussed.


GPC 305 Theories of Personality (3-0) 3:Basic concepts of personality, development of personality, different theories and approaches to the study of personality, comparison, critique and evaluation of these theories and relations of personality theories within field practice.


GPC 307 Vocational Guidance and Counseling (3-0) 3:Basic concepts and principles of vocational guidance and counseling, different theories of vocational development, possible measurement scales can be used in vocational guidance and counseling, computer support in vocational guidance and counseling, vocational guidance and counseling programs.


GPC 309 Departmental Elective (3-0) 3


GK 305 Educational Elective (3-0) 3


Semester VI


GPC 306 Vocational Guidance and Counseling Practice (1-4) 3: Practicing and evaluating the measurement scales using in vocational guidance and counseling, prepare andpractice the vocational development programs, vocational guidance and counseling with individual and group.


GPC 308  Program Development in Guidance (3-0) 3: Structure and process of guidance programs in primary, middle and high school education, time planning and using references in guidance programs, forming and practicing sample activities and test programs.


GPC 310 Behavior Disorders (3-0) 3: Misconceptions about abnormal behaviors, criteria for abnormality, the problem of classification, various approaches to abnormal behavior and intervention methods according to DSM criteria.


GPC 312 Theories of Psychological Counseling (3-0) 3: Basic psychological counseling theories and approaches, concepts, principles and techniques of the theories, the reflection of the theories towards counseling and new approaches.


GPC 314 Group Counseling (3-0) 3:The basic concepts and principles of group counseling, the process of group counseling, the skills and techniques in group counseling, the phases of group counseling, group counseling towards various problems and age groups.


GPC 316 Departmental Elective (3-0) 3


EDU 304 Educational Elective (3-0) 3


Semester VII


GPC 401 Psychological Tests (3-0) 3: The basic concepts and principles of psychological tests, individual/group intelligence tests, achievement, abilityand personality tests, interest inventories, the application and assessment of some tests and inventories.


GPC 403 Individual Counseling Practice (1-4) 3:This course aims to enhance the basic skills in individual counseling and information about techniques under supervision.


GPC 405 Learning Disabilities (3-0) 3:  The definition of learning disability, the classification of learning disabilities, the reasons of learning disabilities,the reorganization of learning disabilities in classroom settings, the organization of education environment,psychological counseling and guidance towards the children with learning disabilities and their families and teachers.


GK 405 Scientific Research Methods (2-0) 2: Science and basic concepts (phenomenon, knowledge, absolute, right, wrong, basics of universal knowledge and its history, structure of scientific research, different views on scientific methods, problem, research model, sampling, data collection, methods of data collection (quantitative and qualitative data collection procedures), data recording, analysis, interpretation and reporting.


GK 407 Community Work (1-2) 2:The importance of community service, identifying the contemporary issues and concerns in society and proposing projects to overcome these issues, attending conferences, panels, symposiums as speakers or audience, voluntary participation in various socially responsible projects, improving basic skills and knowledge on how to apply community service activities in schools.


EDU 407 Management of Education (3-0) 3:The basic concepts and principles of education administration, administration processes, organization and organization types, organization culture and climate, approaches of leadership.


GPC 405 Departmental Elective (3-0) 3


Semester VIII


GPC 402 Seminar in Psychological Counseling (2-2) 3: Preparing and presenting comprehensive projects on chosen subjects according to students` needs and interests.


GPC 404 Field Practice in Guidance and Psychological Counseling (1-4) 3: The investigation of the educational, vocational, personal guidance activities in kindergarten, elementary and high schools; application and interpretation of test and non-test techniques, developing and conducting of group guidance programs in various subjects.


GPC 408 Institutional Experience (1-4) 3:Gaining experience in the psychological counseling and guidance centers of various institutions (education, health and industry).


GPC 406 Professional Standards and Legal Issues (2-0) 2: The ethic principles and standards of practice in the field of psychological counseling and guidance, , desired requisite preparation of counseling practice, the rights of counselees and responsibilities of psychological counselors and the related legal issues.


GPC 410 Departmental Elective (3-0) 3


GPC 412 Departmental Elective (3-0) 3