
A Big Contribution to International Network Security from GAU
A book which is about the network security that was written by Girne American University (GAU) Faculty of Management, lecturer of Department of Management Information System, was published by an international publishing house.
“Network Security Attacks and Counter measures” book was published which belongs to one of the most leading publishing house of the America, international publishing house IGI, and “Countering RSA Vulnerabilities and Its Replacement by ECC: Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Scheme for Key Generation” and “Security Issues in Mobile Wireless Networks” themed 2 titles which were written by Lecturer of GAU Department of Management Information System is found in the book.
A new generation attacks in the wireless networks and security issues that arise because of the attacks were mentioned by Sarı in the 2nd part and in the 12th part, he explained a new which for providing a new generation security key by using ECC Crypto Algorithm in the RSA cryptographic algorithm composed security vulnerabilities. Sarı has gained 2 book parts that he wrote to International Network Security literature which were published in the field of Network Security within the scope of GAU.