Re-Sit Examination Announcement and Its Principles
22nd January 2024
Re-Sit Examination Announcement and Its Principles
- GAU Students studying at associate and bachelor degree (B.A. and BSc) programs have the right to enter the make-up examinations of the subjects only with F grades they have received in the 2024 Fall Semester.
- Those students with Withdrawn “W” & “NG” shall not be allowed to enter the above mentioned make-up examinations.
- No make-up examination will be held for the project-based courses, practical courses, workshops and studios and for the courses with no written final examinations.
- The grade received from the make-up exams shall be replaced with the final grade only, and not the general grade for the course.
- No additional right shall be given to those students who did not enter the re-sit examinations with any excuse and they shall be considered to have failed the course.
- The make-up exam applications should be made between 22nd of – 24th of January 2024 Can be made via the Internet. (Online Application Formhttps://www.gau.edu.tr/en/application-for-resit-exams/application-for-resit-exams-1. No late applications will be accepted. Make up examination fee will be 100 TL for each course and it payment slip can be send to ogrmuh@gau.edu.tr via mail to our Account office.
- The make-up examinations will be held between 26th January to 30th January 2024.
Good – Luck
Admission & Registrar Office