Center of Excellence


Purpose and Goals


Implementation of quality standards in all units within the scope of the regulation of the Higher Education Quality Board , To improve the university's education-training, research-development and social responsibility activities, Developing technology-based, universal teaching strategies and materials in accordance with the principles of inclusive education in all teaching areas, To contribute to “SOCIAL WELL-BEING” by applying the strategies and materials developed to individuals with different developmental and special needs and by investigating the effectiveness of these practices on individuals.

To train graduates who will keep up with the complex and rapidly changing world and have the knowledge, skills and competence in terms of professional and ethical aspects.

To strengthen R&D infrastructure, human resources and results.
The Center is responsible for the activities of the faculties and vocational schools related to education and training.
The fields of activity for academic staff are as follows:
To plan teaching activities that will include 21st century skills and are suitable for digital transformation .

To ensure that academic units implement new generation teaching methods and techniques .

Measurement and evaluation in accordance with the paradigm shift in education and training using techniques

Helping lecturers from outside the field of educational sciences to have pedagogical technological field knowledge and support them to make their teaching plans accordingly to give.

To prepare a train-the-trainer program to support them in making instructional adaptations to address their students with different developmental and special needs , and implementing it.