Faculty Secretary Contact E-Mails
Faculty of Pharmacy: dilekkomut@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Business and Economics: naciman@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Politics: hulyakaratas@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Law: yeldahurdeniz@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Communication: hulyakaratas@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Health Science: ceydaucaner@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Engineering: ifetayo@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Education: cananavsar@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Humanities: cansubayar@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Fine Arts: raoafeefafaisal@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Medicine: ceydaucaner@gau.edu.tr
Vocational Schools:
Vocational Schools: naciman@gau.edu.tr
Faculty of Sports: ozenmulazimoglu@gau.edu.tr
Schools of Nursing: pembebozdag@gau.edu.tr
Schools of Aviation: raeesashoaib@gau.edu.tr.
Schools of Health: ceydaucaner@gau.edu.tr
Schools of Marine and Logistics: gunaybeyzade@gau.edu.tr
Schools of Tourism and Hospitality: naciman@gau.edu.tr
Schools of Performing Arts: anna.bodnarcuk@pera.gau.edu.tr
Schools of Performing Arts (Drama):
Foundation School: foundation@gau.edu.tr