Research at GAU


First of all, we should ask ourselves: Why are we supposed to be interested in science? If we were to define it, science is all of our actions in order to understand our living space, the world, the universe, the micro-cosmos, and the macro-cosmos. As scientists ourselves, what we are supposed to do is to put another brick on the wall that is known as ‘understanding the totality’ concept, in contrast to, but actually on the same parallel with the intention of Ancient Greek science to understand and describe the entire world. Today science is — against all those scientific approaches of Thales, Anaximander, and even Aristotle, trying to explain everything —  actually serving to world science that seeks to explain everything instead. This ‘explaining everything’ term is over now, and questions such as; ’Who I am?’, ‘Why do we exist?’, ‘What is out there and what is not?’, ‘At which point of the existence are we at?’, all of which tried to be answered by philosophers in the past, are finding their answers from scientists and even from physicists instead, just as Stephen Hawking noted in the opening line of his book, The Grand Design. Nowadays the answers are found in science, and the science answers these questions through scientific research.


In this regard, we should implement science into our lives and make it a part of them, or to live with the submissions that come from the scientists. So what do we do at this point? Either we wait, and be a part of that ongoing system, and live with it; or we will not give up and show some effort in order to put another brick on that wall of the world science only if we describe ourselves as individuals who are willing to make a change in that system. Science is the key for anticipating, calculating the future, shaping the future in the light of the calculations and bring into existence in the direction of these shapes. Science and life cannot be separated or isolated; therefore, they should not be.


Girne American University, as a pioneer, in the island is encouraging the academicians and students to participate in scientific researches. One of our main goals is to make sustainable scientific research and conducting them within our Research Centers, as well as our academicians and students are able to do individual research projects. Additionally, our academicians have the opportunity to apply with their research projects to TÜBİTAK 1001 programme embodied by Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Republic of Turkey in both spring and autumn periods; and our students can apply under the supervision of an academician to TÜBİTAK 2209-A and TÜBİTAK 2209-B programmes at the same periods with our academicians. If you have any ideas, plans, requirements, and courses of action, you can apply to us by filling out Laboratory Application Form. You can access to the details through the links below, as well as Girne American University, Coordinatorship of Research will help our students and academicians for all scientific works.


Every year, for limited numbers of applicants, our university supports academicians with Scientific Research Projects (BAP) programme for greater valued topics in science. Regarding this, you can fill out BAP Application Form. Research and publications taking place in our university are subjected to regulations. The details can be found in Regulations of Research and Regulations of Publications. Moreover, if there are any scientific research, activity or publication matters which concern scientific ethics, the Ethical Committee Application Form (human / animal) should be filled and submitted to the Rectorate.


In summary, science is for all of us, and for a better world/universe in which we can live a better life in the future. If you would like to contribute to this, then we are together!