Students of American College Preschool Enjoy The Summer School



Students of American College Preschool Enjoy The Summer School

Students of Girne American College Preschool have enjoyed to repletion during the summer school.


The American College Preschool students are enjoying themselves as they had fun time during the months of July and August as the summer school began after a busy academic semester. The toddlers have been educated through the supervision of expert teachers and trainers that positively affected their social life through enhanced physical and mental capabilities. Students under their teachers’ supervision and away from today’s technology are into joy of creating their own games and in addition to this, working families are satisfied as their children are spending their time in a safe and fun environment. Creative artistic activities, learning English, doing sports, dance, drama, playing chess, handling computer, swimming, vacations and observation are all fun activities that students enjoy to do and also learn.


Girne American Preschool has further added that interaction with multicultural friends helps develop the awareness on different cultures. The monthly and weekly summer school programs are explained to be appropriately adjusted for the comfort of the families.