
Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay attends GAU Conference
“Developments in the Middle East, Caucasia and The Balkans and the situation of Turkey”
Aktay: “Negotiating sides will decide on the Method of Resolution”
The responsible person of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy General President - Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay of Justice and Development Party (AKP) spoke about “Developments in the Middle East, Caucasia and The Balkans and the situation of Turkey” under the invitation of Girne American University, Girne Research Institute and the Department of International Relations.
The conference was held in the GAU Millennium Senate Building, and the opening speech was given by GAU CEO - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi welcoming Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay who had attended as the Speaker and is believed to provide significant support for the students of Public Management and International Politics.
The responsible person of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy General President - Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay of Justice and Development Party (AKP) spoke about the “Developments in the Middle East, Caucasia and The Balkans and the situation of Turkey” and also made comments about the Cyprus issue and the negotiations.
Aktay emphasized that AKP’s approach on the Cyprus issue and the negotiation process has been very specific since the beginning and that they have acknowledged that they have to be a step forward in means of the Cyprus issue from the Greek Cypriot Administration.
Turkish foreign policy reinforced with policy of zero problem with the neighbours, has been into a significant reform, stated Aktay and especially in the past the perception on the Cyprus issue was “Solutionless is the best solution.”
Aktay emphasized that the two communities in the island deserve a better life and share from the positive developments of the world and that the Turkish side approach is to table the current problems and continue with the most essential manner.
Aktay further stated that conducting commerce will build intimacy amongst the countries and return as profit and added that “There is no reason for us not to be alongside of each other fraternally. We have lot to benefit from each other. The best possible solution is to forget about the past, make a clean break and continue on our way together soundly. Let us analyze the problems and solve the ones that are able to be resolved and find a way to solve the ones that are more complex to solve and either way let us negotiate and continue our relations and build unity from this togetherness.”
Aktay underlined that both sides in the Island are in great need of support from each other and further mentioned that “This is not a single sided demand. The loss of both sides will be reflected to future generations unless this lack of communication and relations is overcome. “
Aktay also emphasized that previous efforts on the Cyprus issue have only harmed the process and that they favour a swift negotiation process and solve the problems eventually.
Aktay stated that the method of solving the problem is upon the decision of both negotiating sides and that the Turkish side will always keep good offices by staying on the negotiation table.
The new developing era on the Cyprus issue demonstrates that both sides are keen to find a solution and that this is a satisfying result, Aktay stated. He also underlined that these good offices must be supported and reinforced for it to proceed.
Aktay also put emphasis on the Arab Spring and stated that Europe and the USA who are both trying to impose democracy to the Middle East and the Islamic countries are lacking to interfere in the military coup that is occurring in Egypt and also to the events occurring in Syria.
Aktay made comments also about the developments between Russia and Ukraine and that the EU must point a moral from this incident.
Aktay also reported about the latest Twitter incident in Turkey and emphasized that Twitter is not banned but it needs to be negotiated according to the laws of the Turkish Republic.
Following the speech, Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay was presented with a plaque of appreciation.
Aktay also responding to a question forwarded by a journalist at the end of the conference stated that “There is no other better way than for Turkey to transport the natural gas and petrol from Israel thus solving problems in the region via dialogue is indeed significant.”
Aktay also stated that both sides are to benefit from the petrol and natural gas situated in the Mediterranean zone and thus it is significant to formulate dialogues which will allow the benefiting of both sides in this sense. Aktay finally remarked that “For this to be efficient the dialogue and the settlement process must be processed efficiently. This is building a force for both sides to find a solution. This is a positive evolvement”.