Phd In Computer Engineering Department



Phd In Computer Engineering Department

During 2011-2012 Academic Years GAU has been shown in Top 1000 Universities around the World by Eduniversal and left 27th year in higher education. And now, GAU has started registration period with Computer Engineering PhD Program as well as 31 Graduate Programs and 10 Doctoral Programs.

In addition to GAU Online Post graduation Program education based in USA Campus, GAU has started registration period with new graduate and PhD programs for Girne Campus.

According to the statement from GAU, following departments have started to accept student candidates for graduate programs: Gender Mainstreaming Studies, Europe Union Studies (with and without thesis), Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Health Management, International Law, Law, Business Management, International Business, Financial Management, Economy, Marketing, Construction Management, Architecture, Interior Architecture, International Relationships, Press, Public Relations, Tourism and Accommodation Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Turkish Language and Literature Teaching, English Language Teaching, Program Development in Education and Schooling, Field Teaching in Secondary Education (without thesis), Education Management and Supervision and Computer Teaching Technologies Education (without thesis).
“10 Graduate Programs have started to Accept Applications”

According to the statement following departments have started to accept students for graduate programs: New Turkish Language, Business Management, Management Information Systems, Finance Management, Computer Engineering, Tourism and Accommodation Business Administration, Education Sciences, Communication and Media Management, Construction Management and Marketing.

In addition to the statement, you can access detailed information about GAU Academic Programs, New Departments, Application Conditions, Postgraduate and Doctor’s Degree Programs from