
Gau Beauty Contest which is being organized within the scope of Gau 2018 spring fest under the main sponsorship of Telsim, sponsorship of Asel and TeknoGold attracted great attention. In addition, students had fun at the concert of MayDay.
Alongside the press, students had shown great interest to the Gau Beauty Contest which took place in the Cyprus district of GAU Girne campus, International Congress Spectrum Hall. In the Beauty Contest which took place with the support of Ju Ju boutique, Telsim and Memduh Erdal Perfumery, contestants won big recognition with their stage performances and they couldn’t hide their excitements.
This year’s jury included GAU President of Board of Overseers Memduh Erdal, the Rector of GAU Prof. Dr Kutsal Öztürk, GAU Marketing Coordinator Leyla Biçer, Memduh Erdal Make-up artist Nazime Karaman, the Manager of the College of Health Sciences Tülin Bodamyalı, the Lecturer of GAU Performing Arts Drama and Acting Collage Osman Ateş, Memduh Erdal Perfumery Make-up Artist Rahime Yükler and Şengül Ünal from Ju Ju Boutique.
Dance shows which Gau Salsa club organized left its mark on the Gau 2018 Beauty Contest. Alongside the dance shows Gau Salsa Club organized, the piano recital which was organized by the student of Communication Faculty Taliya Khafizou won great recognition.
While Enzhe Adaeva became the “Queen” of the beauty contest, Mertcan Lazoğlu became the “King”. Kristiba Moskalenko came second place and in the men’s group Mehmet Şahin came second place. In men’s group, Rustam Aiapov came third place and in women’s group Valeriya Fenich came third place. For the first place, the rewards are; In the Chateau Lambousa Hotel 1-night accommodation, round-trip(domestic) from Fonline, Tablet from Telsim, Perfume from Memduh Erdal Perfumery, 6-month membership in the GAU Fitness Centre. For the second place, Perfume from Memduh Erdal Perfumery, 2 Pax accommodation in the Chateau Lambousa Hotel, 3-month membership in the GAU Fitness Centre. For the third place, the rewards are; Perfume from Memduh Erdal Perfumery, two-person breakfast from Grand Akpınar and 1-month membership in the GAU Fitness Centre.
MayDay brought colour to the spring fest
MayDay which has been continuing its works under the leadership of Özge Tezcanlı and Alper Gençel since 2014 and has a current repertoire of R&B, Hip-Hop and Pop made an unforgettable night in the Girne American University. Gau students had fun to repletion.