
The American University of Moldova Hosted 50 Universities from 30 Different Countries
Home Hosting from The American University of Moldova for The International Conference
The American University of Moldova related to Girne American University(GAU) hosted the International conference themed “cooperation between disciplines in international higher education”
The president of Gagauzia İrina Vlan, the Minister of Education of Moldova Monica Babuc, the Turkish Ambassador of Kishinev İskender Okyay, the Azerbaijani Ambassador of Kishinev Gudsi Dursun Oğlu Osmanov, alongside the top government officials, with more than 50 university officials from 30 different countries, TRNC the Ministry of Tourism undersecretary associate professor İsmet Esenyel, the old Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, the Vice Chairman of the Management Board Cemile Esenyel, Legal Advisor Aral Doğu and the Vice-Chancellor of American University of Cyprus Associate Professor Oya Ertuğruloğlu attended the international conference which was hosted by AUM.
The conference started with the offering of bread and water which are the symbols of the cooperation. After the opening speech of GAU Founder Chancellor Serhat Akpınar, The Minister of Education of Moldova Monica Babuc, the Ambassador İskender Okyay, the Ambassador Dursun Osmanov, one of the Founders of AUM Gheorghe Avornic, the president of Gagauzia İrina Vlan, the Vice-Chancellor of American University of Cyprus Associate Professor Oya Ertuğruloğlu, the undersecretary associate professor İsmet Esenyel made their speeches.
In Akpınar’s statement, he pointed out that within the scope of the conference which was hosted by AUM, ideas and researchers were shared that would bring an innovative perspective to the universities structures, and that subjects that would direct working on cooperation between interuniversity and faculties within the universities were discussed. Akpınar emphasized that extensive presentations were made about the universities joint diploma programs, and how minors, double major applications for students could improve. Akpınar who emphasized that such cooperation would help improve faculties, also underlined that postgraduates would be given more opportunities in their careers.