
‘Short Film Festival’ was organized within the scope of Girne American University English Foundation School ‘English Language Day’ events.
Girne American University English Foundation School organized an event named ‘Short Film Festival’ which had great interest, on 2 May 2018 Wednesday in the GAU Spectrum International Congress Hall within the scope of ’23 April United Nations(UN) English Day’ events.
The Director of GAU Foundation School Hatice Asvaroğlu pointed out that the purpose of the event ‘Short Film Festival’ which was organized within the scope of 23 April events which was accepted as the English Language Day by the UN is to expand the English Foundation Scholl students’ awareness of the importance of English as a World Language and to encourage them to develop their creativeness of the usage of English. She also added that the students of the English Foundation School carried out 21 presentations of short films competed with different levels of English which were inspired by the stories that the students had read as a part of their English educations. In addition, she said; “Our goal is to help the students to have fun while learning, develop their creativeness of the usage of English and expand the awareness of the importance of English.
21 short films competed with different levels of English were evaluated by a jury. In the event, 3 short films were awarded by the jury members the Director of the English Foundation School Hatice Asvaroğlu, the Administrative Coordinator of the English Foundation School Utku Hamamcıoğlu and GAU Lecturer Assistant Professor Ümmü Altan Bayraktar. In the event which was observed that the students watched their own films with high motivation and passion, the films which were made by A2.1, B1.7 and B2.1 classes were selected as the best films. The presents which were supplied by Pearson Publishing were given the students by their form teacher and Assistant Professor Ümmü Altan Bayraktar.