
Girne American University; memorialized the Great Leader Ataturk, who is the Founder of the Republic of ...
Girne American University; memorialized the Great Leader Ataturk, who is the Founder of the Republic of Turkey, with a ceremony and events which is arranged. GAU Academic Staff and students attended to the ceremony.
Girne American University; memorialized the Great Leader Ataturk, who is the Founder of the Republic of Turkey, with a ceremony and events which is arranged. GAU Academic Staff and students attended to the ceremony.
The first Commemorative Ceremany of the Veteran Mustafa Kemal Ataturk started at the area of the Ataturk Bust in front of the GAU Rectorate Building with standing in silence and singing the turkish national anthem together by 09:05 a.m. which is the time of the death of Ataturk. Afterwards, the Commemorative Ceremony continued at İnternational Congress Center, Spectrum.
In accordance with the program which is made by Faculty of Education, Ataturkist Ideology Club, Theatre Club and Music Club; the events at the Spectrull Hall started with the speech of Head of Department of Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature Prof. Dr. Nejat Sefercioğlu. Sefercioğlu; “Dear young ones who Ataturk commended the republic to; there are some people who is being created by God and have a precedence. These people are farsighted, believer, sensitive and hardworking. Most of us can’t even dream about what they achieved. We call these people as “geniuses”. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is also one of these people. Being a genius like Mustafa Kemal is not easy. Because, being a Mustafa Kemal means to be farsighted, determined, powerful and hardworking, to start when saying “I will succeed” and achieved. Being a Mustafa Kemal means to challenge the great powers while being hungry, thirsty and sleepless and to bury the biggest fleet of the time into the dark waters of Dardanelles and to make history. Being a Mustafa Kemal means to say “ I’m not giving you an order to attack, I’m ordering you to die.” called out to the audience. Prof. Dr. Nejat Sefercioğlu finished his speech with a poem that he wrote out.
At the commemorative events in İnternational Congress Hall, Spectrum, while Ayça Dilek – one of the lecturers of Faculty of Education- was evaluating the importance and meaning of the day with her speech “Ataturk and Child”, the poem “Last Letter from Ataturk” was read by the student of Department of Turkish Language and Literature Gülşah Coşkun. The Ceremony, which Head of the Ataturkist Ideology Club, the student of Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture Ali İlker vocalized the Ataturk’s Adress to the Turkish Youth, ended with the play “Understanding of Ataturk” that was staged by GAU Theatre Club.