
GAU Pilotage Departments is Raising The Future Pilots
In the rapid change and development process of the aviation sector in the world of globalization, technology and communication, Girne American University (GAU) continues to break grounds in TRNC with its Pilotage Department.
GAU Pilotage Department Manager Sevda Ahmediyan made important statements regarding the departments of aviation and pilotage.
In the statement made on GAU TV, it was referred that GAU Pilotage Department is known at an international level and has an international validity and GAU brought a new ground in TRNC. Ahmediyan, who stated that flight certificates of GAU is valid all around the world, expressed that the students can easily start working with any airline after their graduation.
Ahmediyan continued as follows; “Students, who complete the English Preparation Program successfully, can start their 4-year Pilot Training Undergraduate Program. Girne American University graduates of Pilot Training Undergraduate Program can benefit from both domestic and abroad business opportunities under the favor of their %100 English education and international pilot‘s license. GAU contains best and pioneer names within its academic staff of the Pilotage Department. Besides, in addition to Turkey and TRNC, we have many students from Nigeria, Kazakhstan and England.”
Ahmediyan explained the required conditions for the students who will choose the Pilotage Department; “Candidate students of the Pilotage Department need to fulfill the conditions stated in the 24th article of the Aircraft Pilot License Regulations (SHY – 1) which was published in the 06.06.2006 dated and 26190 numbered Official Journal. Within the frame of Aircraft Pilot License Regulations (SHY – 1), throughout the period of study, a student is the only responsible for all cases which can arise because the student become unfavorable. Within the frame of Aircraft Pilot License Regulations (SHY – 1), a student, who is seen as unfavorable as a result of the health outcomes, will not be enrolled to the department. The position of these students will be evaluated by the Presidency of OSYM and they will be placed to a higher education program that their scores are enough.”
Ahmediyan stated that they organize several activities as GAU Aviation and they will hold a Badge-pinning Ceremony on 26 April 2016 Pilot’s Day which is the first in TRNC. Ahmediyan stressed that “There are many fairs that we attend actively. We also make contribution to the Aviation Education Fair (IFTE) as a sponsor. We will participate in the Airex International Civil Aviation and Airports fair on 6-9 October 2016 and will organize a sports aviation show on May.”