
Significant Contribution To Secondary Education Of Cyprus From GAU
While Girne American University (GAU) on their way to 50th anniversary, they held the 7th TRNC Education Workshop that they perform it every year traditionally.
GAU 7th TRNC Education Workshop was held in GAU Millennium Senate Congress Centre. In the workshop it was aimed that to remove the errors that are made while choosing university and job, and provide a good future for high school students, besides improvement of education system in TRNC. To workshop, high school students, branch students, and school counsellors participated.
GAU Secretary-General Assist. Prof. Dr. Sualp Davut made the opening speech of “GAU 7th TRNC Education Workshop”. He said that GAU is the first established university of TRNC and they been improving and increasing their education standards since 1985 with their innovative and contemporary approach. Davut said that “As GAU with more than 15.000 students we continue our education. GAU is recognized by Turkey Higher Education Institution and all over the world, they have 27 different accreditations and is a university that its diploma is the most valid by comparison with other universities in the island.” Davut said that, GAU students who live the opportunities of having a diploma that has international memberships and accreditations, have an opportunity to continue their educations in Kyrenia, Washington, Canterbury, Hong Kong, Moldova, Karpasia, and Istanbul campuses with GAU Parallel Education System.
GAU Board Member and Vice-Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri indicated that GAU give importance to mobility and as an indicator of Internationalization process, GAU with all education opportunities that they provide in 3 continents, they give a big education opportunity to their students.
Binnur Yeşilyaprak who became famous in the field of Psychological Counselling and Guidance, Ankara University Head of the Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance Prof. Dr. Binnur Yeşilyaprak participated to education seminar which was organized within the scope of GAU 7th Education Workshop as a speaker, and she said that;
Yeşilyaprak: “Career is a Never Ending Journey that Starts Early.”
Ankara University Head of the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance Prof. Dr. Binnur Yeşilyaprak indicated that career is a never ending journey that stars early and she said that “As an educator, we always want students to do things or not to do things. However, if we say do it, or not do it, they take us as a model. Therefore, to say them what to do is not important, what we do is important. As teachers we must be the right model to our students, as how we model our children as parents.