
GAU Global Science Family Made Observations In Karpasia
Girne American University (GAU) Global Science Family made observations about development of Karpasia and development of beekeeping in Karpasia.
To study visit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, Schools of Health Service and committee of GAU Marine Sciences Academicians participated under the presidency of GAU Vice-Rector and Member of Board Assoc. Dr. Hossein Sadri. Committee, after the presentation which was held at GAU Karpasia Life Campus Coordination Center, made observations about beekeeping activities in that region and construction yard of GAU Karpasia Life Campus.
GAU Vice-Rector and Board Member Assoc. Dr. Hossein Sadri made information sharing about Karpasia and projects that have been held and will be held by GAU and he stated that they are in a very comprehensive project. Sadri indicated that they continue their education and activities about beekeeping within the Life Campus whose construction process is in progress in Karpasia and he said that local community earn income from this field with this education and GAU encouragements. Also Sadri emphasized that in that region there will be research and development accelerations not only in beekeeping but also in health services and architectural field. Sadri expressed that with specialists in their field in Health, Architecture, Marine Sciences and Pharmacy within the GAU Science Family, they will carry out a great research and improvement projects in the forthcoming fays. Thus, not only in the region but also they will sign a large-scale global awareness.
Sadri said that GAU have come a long way in beekeeping until today and he repeated that when called beekeeping, GAU come to mind in Cyprus. Sadri said that beekeeping is an extensive and searchable field and in health field, so many bee by-products can be used and he emphasized that they will sign new developments in GAU research center with health sciences academicians.
GAU Beekeeping Research Center Coordinator Hüseyin Balakaya gave information about beekeeping in his presentation and shared “GAU Honey Forest” project which has been started last year and processing rapidly with GAU Science Family besides the activities of the Beekeeping Research Center within the scope of GAU.
Balkaya indicated that bee product is not only the honey, apart from that, there are some products which are used in medicine and cosmetics. Balkaya said that propolis and pollen from bee product are very helpful in medicine as a structure and Balkaya presented the projects that they can be held with GAU Science Family.