
GAU Rector Öztürk, Evaluated the First Half of the Academic Year
“We completed our work in physical field”
Girne American University (GAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Kutsal Öztürk said these related to finishing the first half of the academic year and starting the final exams “GAU is on the point of finishing the semester as so busy. Before anything else, I wish my dear students will be very successful in final exams.”
Öztürk said that, “We completed our physical works and in the second semester we are entering a very comfortable period in the academic environment with all the infrastructure works. One of our objectives this year was intended to increase the academic success of our scientific publications and academic staff. In this semester, 26 persons teaching staff were entitled to academic advancement as a result of the jury evaluations and we have achieved one of our goals this year rapidly. We prepared a library for our students and after this semester we will have had a public, equipped library with the regulations of working and using hours.”
Health center in the University
Öztürk indicated that a Health Center was established within the University and in this health center, first aid and first response take place. He said that “With our substructure works and power of our academic staff, we are not only limited with our own students, we are also continue our works for the community. Especially we established centers for our lecturers to enable them to broadcast and we have passed this semester so busy.”
Öztürk reminded that they started good this year and they hosted EU President of Turkey and Chief Negotiator Volkan Bozkır. He said that “GAU is so successful in this relationships and our president saw this fact on site and when we saw to this background he is a person who deserves our honorary PhD and we were honoured with this diploma. It was a nice ceremony. We have a vision that our relationship is not limited with the island. We are in international campuses in accordance with the vision of our president Serhat Akpınar, we are in Karpasia and everywhere.”
Akpınar gave motivation and strength
Prof. Dr. Kutsal Öztürk indicated that perspective and vision of the GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of Board of Administrators Serhat Akpınar gave them strength as a Rectorate and he said these by referring to student satisfaction:
“This subject is so important for us, for this reason, in the second term we will take part among students in the campus as a Rectorate. Soon, with “Turkey’s Got Talent” organization, a wonderful hall will meet not only with our students but also with Cyprus community. We continue the steps that we have taken about conversion Girne with GAU and our medicine faculty, health sciences, pharmacy and school of nursing. In this regard, I made different meetings in Afyon and we near the end.”