Important Decisions in Human Rights Year from GAU Senate
In addition to acceptance of Magna Charta Independence Declaration of Girne American University (GAU) by the member of the Magna Charta Universitatum, they continue to bring new initiatives for the university.
In the statement, it was explained that, in university, Academic Honesty and Discrimination Adverseness notices and suchlike institutional policies will be offered to GAU senate and all contents will be published with their all shareholders with received approval until the end of the year.
In the statement, it is indicated that the group who program the Human Rights Year works, made preparations intensively and it is emphasized that the exhibitions which is located front of the GAU Technopark and open for visitors, is also shows human rights of the university and active stance that university have undertook within the scope of the works.
Magna Charta Universitatum
GAU is the only university which has gained the right to participate from Northern Cyprus to the Magna Charta Observatory Council which was opened for signature in 1988 by Bologna University, International Associations of Universities and European Associations of Universities. It is indicated that on September 2015, GAU Founding Rector and The Chancellor of the Board of Administrators Serhat Akpınar represented the higher education of GAU and TRNC at the ceremony which was held at the Bologna University.
Universal Education Values
In 2015, GAU ranked among the 800 universities within the structure of European Union and its international identity and success in higher education was approved with 25 universities with the process of Bologna and Declaration. GAU’s Founding Rector and The Chancellor of the Board of Administrators Serhat Akpınar said these about the Magna Charta Observatory Council meeting: With our acceptance to Magna Charta by signing the Declaration, we are now on the highest representation size of the Universal Higher Education Values. With our liberal university, liberal academy, liberal faculty, liberal thought, and liberal student vision; we broke new ground throughout the Cyprus island in representation of the firsts in TRNC and higher education.