GAU Architecture Friday Seminars Started



GAU Architecture Friday Seminars Started

GAU Architecture ,Design and the Faculty of Fine Arts, 2015- 2016 academic year began with Friday Seminars.


GAU Friday Seminar of  Architecture ,Design and the Faculty of Fine Arts focused on applied research and practice in its 5th year ,It aims to offer a platform that various artist ,architects and researchers can share  their experience .In the first Friday Seminar of the 2015-2016 year ‘’ Design Principles and  Methods of Solving Problems that occurs during Design Process”  and “Design Elements ‘’ issues were explained.


GAU Faculty of Architecture, Design and the Fine Arts lecturer Kim Bennett explicated in the presentation about design principles and methods of solving problems. Also, Kim Bennet emphasized the importance of researching and implementation of the studies on designs. Member of the Faculty of GAU Department of Architecture Alesandro Bruccoleri presented examples about Design Element and explained that these elements are oriented with some of famous bands’ album covers .Kim Bennet also mentioned about regular and irregular forms  and gave examples from world architecture associated with this matter.