The Republican Day Was Celebrated With Activities



The Republican Day Was Celebrated With Activities

The American College, which is under the GAU Group of Schools, and The American Future College, which provides education in Nicosia, celebrated the 92nd anniversary of the foundation of the Republican with ceremonies.


The ceremonies organized in the schools, which are under the GAU Group of Schools, started with the National Anthem and GAU Anthem.


At the ceremony held in the American College, Mısra Düzkayalı, from 9 SSE class, and Kaya Debbağ, from 9G class, gave a speech, which indicated the importance and the meaning of the day in Turkish and English, after that, Pusat Yıldız, from 7A class, and Buse Yıldız, from 9 SSE class, read the poems named "Today" and "Republican of Turkey" respectively.


The school choir formed from the students of the American Elementary School and the International Prep School sang the songs named "Sun of the Republican", "Freedom means Republican" and "Republican of the Republican".


The speech, which indicated the meaning and the importance of the day, was given by The American Elementary School student Nil Sayer Sarabi and The International Prep School student Su Türmen.


The poem named ``Long live the Republican", prepared by the students of the the American Nursery School, was read by Su Karasoy, Beste Uğurlar, Su Yücekaya, Güven Bağman and Su Hocaoğlu. Defne Güner, the American Elementary School student, read the poem named "The Republican."


The ceremony was ended with a meaningful play prepared specially for the day by the 4th grade students of the International Prep School.


 At the ceremony, held in the school garden of the American Future College, Irmak Utas, from the 5th grades, gave the speech, which indicated the meaning and the importance of the day.


 1A class students read the poem named "The Republican", Sudenaz Altun, from 3rd grades, read the poem "Republican" and the poem named "we will keep the Republican alive" was read by the 1B class students. The ceremony ended with the anthem of the Republican, which was sung by the school choir.