The Interview Of The 9th President Of Turkey, Süleyman Demirel, Which Was Given For The 25th Year Of GAU: ...



The Interview Of The 9th President Of Turkey, Süleyman Demirel, Which Was Given For The 25th Year Of GAU: ...

Süleyman Demirel who Girne American University (GAU) met in 2009 within “25th year interviews” reminded that he had supported the establishment of GAU and continued; “Your University is very precious and I have been interested in it since it was established. I have always supported the founders of GAU and now I congratulate them again. I take a close interest in development of this university”



In commemoration of Süleyman Demirel who passed away on 17 June, we would like to share our interview with him which was made by our former students Simge Özekler and Rıza Kaynak in Ankara,in the house of Demirel. ;



“Cyprus is actually a city of  education”



“I am the leading person who caused the development of universities. In 1950, Turkey had 3 universities, in sixties they increased to 7 and in 2000 in which we were in power, Turkey had 84 universities.



Apart from Turkey, there were also 5 universities in Cyprus which were just established. Therefore, while the number of students who went to university could not get 100 thousands in sixties, nowadays their numbers are over millions.



Also, a considerable amount of our students have education in Cyprus. Cyprus is very ideal as an education city. Studying in these campuses is such a chance and opportunity. I have always encouraged the universities of Cyprus, like I have always done the same for Turkey.”


 “GAU is a universal university”



“Your university is very precious and I have always been interested in it since it was established. I have always supported the founders of GAU and now I congratulate them again. I have always taken a close interest in development of this university and I am very pleased with that. Being in the 25th year is a great success. I hope that you will also celebrate your 50th and 100th years. This university is not open just for Turkey but also for the whole world, it is a universal university, it is closed up the people around the world and it is a great institution which not only serves to science but also to peace.”




 “Let’s eliminate the barriers”

“I eliminated the whole democratic barriers which could have been an excuse in establishing universities, gave opportunity to universities and I have always told the ones who are in charge of these works to “be positive and open”. They will teach science globally, thus they should be open to our students. Receiving a doctorate position from your university is such an honor for me and be sure that I will exhibit it in my museum.”


“Internationalization of GAU”



“I am very pleased about the internationalization of GAU, I appreciate that you spread from your borders. I have an open mind, I always look positively to the future, I do not say “this tree will not grow or fruit” to a sapling, I always think that within years it will become green, bust out, produce fruit and it can be benefit from its shade and fruits. I am a utilitarian, I expect benefit, for this reason it was not possible to unpredict this position of your university”


 “My love is different for Cyprus society”


“My interest to Cyprus and the situation of our siblings in there have always been different for me. My love is different for Cyprus society. Regardless of my work, I have a connection with our cognates in Cyprus, this connection is not today’s, it built up over the years.”



 “I would love GAU to be a center of attraction”



“I wish Girne American University to continue to be a center of attraction which opens its door to students with its substructure and laboratories which is avant-garde, contain technology and science within itself, compete with world and also compete with technology and science.”


 “I wish you a continued success”



“Of course, you are doing this interview because of the 25th year of Girne American University. Happy 25th years, I congratulate you and wish you a continued success. I send my love to your students and wish success to your academic and administrative staff.”